Oliver Duran

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a/n okay, I don't really have anything to say, it is longer, kinda. Relax drink your favorite drink, eat your favorite snack. Enjoy.

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Oliver Duran POV

Hi, I'm Oliver Duran, I am a 14-year-old boy. My best friend is Nico DiAngelo who I may or may not have a crush on. He is pretty much the opposite of me and I know he is gay; he was the first person I told and he helped me come out. There was a lot of backlash and I was bullied a lot. Nico was always there for me. Under all the gloom and black he wears he is really sweet.

"Hey, Oliver" I look around. Ah. Nico is standing right next to me while I have my locker open. I close it and I bet I'm blushing. I am planning to tell him about my feelings after school. Then I notice he is smiling.

"dude, your smiling"

"because I am happy"

"I didn't know that was in your vocabulary"

"ha ha"

"Why are you so happy" I readjust my backpack straps

"a few of my friends are coming to pick me up"


"yes, I want you to meet them" and grins at me. I find it hard to say maybe because I feel like that would be intruding.

"sure, I would love to meet them" I run my hand through my hair and scratch the back of my head. I look at Nico and tell him I need to get to class.

I walk all the way to my class. My mom always told me not to intrude on other people's business. I sit in the back, open a book, and wait for people to fill into the class. I read and think about my life, I want to be an oncologist, a doctor for cancer because my older sister Chloé died from lung cancer. She was amazing, sweet and for being 6 years apart we were really close. My father left a few years after I was born, we still keep in touch and I see him once and a while. I love my mom and would do anything for her. And I guess I am considered a nerd I have a 3.8 GPA average.

One of the reasons I can relate to Nico is because our sisters both died. Sad but it is the truth.

-----------time skip sponsored by Oliver's Harry Potter glasses-----------------------------------------------

Just as I am closing my locker, Nico appears. Still smiling as big as he was this morning. I am really nervous to tell him.

"come come come"

"sure, hold on" I double-check all my stuff is in my backpack, slide it onto my back. I take a deep breath and push my glasses up the bridge of my nose. I nod my head and Nico starts walking outside. I have decided to tell him after I meet his friends. We walk to a grey car on the west side of the parking lot. I see three people. A girl with dark skin, fizzy brown hair, and golden eyes.

"that's hazel, she is my half-sister" she smiles at Nico's comment.


"hi," I say and smile, she makes me comfortable, no weirdly but in a good way because I get really uncomfortable talking to people 9 out of 10 times. It is rare I find someone I can talk to easily.

Next to her a boy with black hair and green eyes. He looks very familiar. like I saw on TV or something.

"Hey, I'm Percy, Neeks' cousin" I look at Nico he hates when people call him that, just as I thought he is glaring at Percy.

"that's cool," I say awkwardly. I turn to look at the last person, a tall boy, blonde hair, a great smile, he has sparkling blue eyes and very broad shoulders. He raises a hand as a hi.

Nico points at him and says "that is Will"

I do a head nod thing "What is your relation to him?"

"what do you mean, well that is your half-sister" I point at Hazel, "he's your cousin" I point at Percy. "who is he"

"Well," Nico smiles. I fiddle with the bridge of my glasses. "he is my boyfriend"

"what?" I said hoping I didn't sound hurt or angry. Will seems like a good guy. "you have never mentioned a boyfriend"

"Well, you never asked," he said not breaking eye contact with Will.

"I need to go; I told my mom I would be home soon" I glanced one last time at Nico. "bye"

I walked away from them, I remembered when Nico told me they were coming how excited he was, Will must treat him really well. I can't be mad, Will is a good guy. There will be other fish in the sea. I grow to become really good friends with Will.

9 years later

I am 23 and I am now studying at Stanford Medical Program to become an oncologist. I am really happy, I have a beautiful boyfriend named, Shawn. Shawn is a graphic designer and creates really cool designs, he once made me a logo. Shawn and I always do double dates with Nico and Will.

a/n how was that?!? Yay, okay, tomorrow a good chapter is coming

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Word count: 860

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