Jake Green

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Jake Green

a/n I don't really have anything to say. I'm sorry, it's short, I tried to make it longer but I didn't want it to be boring. Enjoy!!

- :)

Jake Green pov

I did my normal routine of shoving the Latino elf into the lockers and insulting him. Today I insulted him about having any friends. He never got tired though, he always got back up and jumped around, his toolbelt slipping nails along the floor.

"VALDEZ!!" the principal yelled. The hallway when quiet. "cleanup now"

I kick the nails around and walk away.

"Hey, Jake" Leo calls after me. That's new. I turn around "I actually do have friends they are coming today to pick me up if you want to meet them."

"sure" I answer sarcastically. "how much did you pay them"

"what do you mean, everyone loves Leo" at that point he is done cleaning up the nails. He gets up, gives me a goofy grin, and ran away with a hop in his step. I try and think of a comeback but I am lost for words and he has already gone out of earshot.

-------time skip sponsored by persassy-----------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Leo," I say as I stroll over to his lunch table, where he is sitting alone. He is sitting there with some sort of headphones playing music, while his hands are busy tinkering with a few scraps of metal and tools scattered around the table. He is very focus, his hair has oil and glitter in it and is extremely messy, scars cover his arms. He doesn't even acknowledge I'm there. So, I try again.


"oh hey," he takes off his headphones and turns around. In his hands are 3 silver metal roses, covered in gold glitter and gold foil. He grins at me.

"by the way, Valdez, not a lot of people like you"

"all da ladies love Leo"

"what ladies" I turn to my right and fist bump my friend Garys' hand.

"my lady, Calypso" Leo smiles. He then turns back to his table and puts his headphones back on. Swiftly in one move I grab his metal flowers and throw them on the floor about to step on them.

"NO" Leo screams. I stopped, never in all my years of bullying Leo, he has never given that reaction. It slows me down, and by the time I have looked back about to step on the flowers, they're gone. I turn my attention to Leo and he is clutching the flowers like a lifeline. A teacher walks into the cafeteria. I leave with Gary and Louis.

--------------another time skip sponsored by the 7--------------------------------------------------------------

After the bell rang, Leo bolted outside. Me behind him There waiting for him 7 extremely good-looking kids leaning against, a strawberry truck. The one on the left had blonde ringlets, stunning grey eyes next to her was a tall, lean, black hair, green eyes kid, his arm slung around the blonde. Nest to them to other couples, one girl with a feather in her hair talking aimlessly to a boy with blue eyes and a small scar under his lip next to them was a girl with golden eyes, and dark skin, holding her hand was a man with a military haircut and a sweet smile. Last, there was a girl, wearing a flower crown and a white dress, her amber hair was in a loose braid that hung around her shoulder. I was shocked. He actually had friends.

"See, Jake I do have friends" Leos' voice shook me out from dreaming about the pretty girl.

"how much did he pay you guys," I asked

"he paid us in bad jokes," the boy with green eyes said. I was still very shocked he had friends. I barely registered that he pulled out the flowers he made at lunch, out of his backpack. He walked over to the amber-haired girl and gave her flowers and then she pulled him into a kiss. I sulked away.  Leo never came back after that day.

a/n tbh out of the first 3, I like this one the best, Caleo is one of the sweetest ships in my opinion. Comment you fav

- :) 

word count:685

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