Mike Jacobs part 4

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Mike Jacobs part 4

a/n. Give me suggestions of things I can do when I'm bored, please. And we hit 455 reads, yay. Thank you, guys. I really want to thank everyone following me, because every morning when I wake up, I check Wattpads' notifications, and it makes me really happy when I see the notification _________ has followed you. So thank you. Now on to the last and final part of Mike Jacobs.

Mike Jacobs POV

The next day I come to school, I am going to meet Thalia. I know where Olivia and her group hang out, it is near the library. I strolled over to their stupid hangout place. There standing under the big branch of the tree near the library were 7 girls. Me being a good student I knew everyone's name that went to that school. Standing there was Mari, Alex, Lexi, Addison, Emma, Olivia, and Thalia.

Or who I assumed was Thalia. She was an angel. Short black hair held back with a headband and beautiful blue eyes. I strutted over to the group looking as I owned the place. As soon as I got near enough for them to notice I was coming to them, Mari spoke.

"you" she called; we were barely in earshot.

"me," I said and grinned

"Mike, you know what you should do, you should-" the rest of her sentence got cut off because Alexandrea hit her arm. "Mike, just go away"

"why sweetie, I am the son of Zeus"

Thalia hid a snicker behind her hand. She started cracking up then it turned into full-on laugher.

"what's so funny?" I ask

"you, haha, son, of hahaha, Zeus bahahahaaahaha" she barely said. She was clutching her stomach from laughing.

"why do you think I win every track meet, I am as fast as lighting," I said but that sentence just egged them on more and they began laughing even harder.

"as I was saying, Thalia is it"

"uh, hahhah, hehhe, yeah, that's my name"

"I was wondering if you wanted to gimmie your number and we could go on a date," I say as smoothly as possible. Of course, I expect her to say yes, so I pull my phone out so she could put her number in.



"you need your ears cleaned, I said no"

"wha-but" I stammer for a response this is my first time getting rejected. "I am the son of Zeus"

All the girls start laughing like they couldn't believe I was the son of Zeus. I huffed and stomped away.

Thalia POV

I when I got to school, I got dragged to the groups' hang out spot where we talked for a while. At one point Mike I think his name was, came up to us. Claimed to be a son of Zeus and asked me out, it was really funny. Anyway, I have to get to class.

--------------------------------------------time skip-----------------------------------------------------------------------

After attendance in homeroom, I started on work that I probably wouldn't turn in, it was just to fill up the time.

"Can everyone come to the gym" a voice on the loudspeaker spoke.

"file out, in order," Mr. Sendam says in a commanding tone.

I whisper over to Olivia "what's going on?" even though I think I already knew what was going on.

"I don't know" she whispered back

"no talking" Mr. Sendam yells

"what I about no yelling" I whisper to Olivia as we line up. She laughs. Mr. Sendam leads us out of the classroom like kindergarteners.

He shepherds us to the pull-out belchers that are pulled out. We sat down and Olivia and I started talking. 12 thrones appear in front of everyone, once everyone sits down.

Olivias' eyes got big, she pushes her glasses up. "is that" she asks

"I don't know," I said even though I did know.

"Hello, mortals" a voice booms across the gym. I look at the front and mentally groan. I knew I should have sent Evie, my newest hunter.

"We are the 12 Olympians," Athena says. They each say around 100 words, explaining why they had to expose themselves. I zone out.

My attention goes back to them as they say, they have a hidden demigod at this school.

"Please come forward, demigod because we can't physically get them down" Hera calls. The only Olympians I really respect is Artemis and she is the only one missing/ not there at the moment, so I am not going and that's final.

Olivia is watching them shocked. She is the only one in the group next to me. The others I can't seem to find.

The idiot Mike decides to walk up there, very confidant, like he ruled the world.

"you are not any of my sons," Zeus says and his voice echoes around the gym. He turns to look at Hades and nods. Hades snaps his finger and Mike disintegrates. People are shocked.

"get down here or apollo will sing his haikus," Zeus says looking like he regretted having kids.

See this is the thing. I learned to zone out and tune out but I would then have to let the rest of his school be in pain. Oh well, I deserve this. Apollo starts singing his haikus and I tune out. I don't know why or I don't know how but Artemis appears behind Apollo and I inwardly curse, if she calls me, I have to go up there and I really don't want to. Artemis wacks Apollo I mean like a wack I would give Percy if he is being annoying.

Apollo stops singing his haikus and I tune back in. They have some sort of silent conversation with their eyes and I can Artemis wins because apollo hangs his head.

"Lieutenant can you get down here please," Artemis asks. Shoot shoot shoot. you know what. Fine.

"I'm coming" I yell. I get up and pat my pockets making sure I wasn't missing anything. I see Apollo handing Hermes a bag of drachmas. They really bet on me. Huh.

"what are you doing" Olivia whispers. I just smile. I had found where the rest of the group was sitting and smile at them. I walk down the bleachers and to the front.

"Artemis," I say

"Lieutenant" she responds

"father," I say and turn to Zeus

"daughter, please state your titles"

I began to say my titles as I move farther along, I start counting on my fingers, making sure I got every title. I see people's jaw drop, the further I get. I just really wish mike was here right now because it would have been fun to rub in his face. Once I finish my titles Artemis asks me quietly to go supervise the hunters since they are forever kids with no supervisor at the moment. Knowing them, Density, one of my hunters probably organized them to rob a bank, which makes me the person that bails them out. I turn, walk over to the door but before I leave to find the hunters, I shout. "bye"

a/n okay that was the last part. Lol. Did yall like it. Was it a good ending, etc. I just want to thank everyone, for reading. It has been almost a month since the first post. So, thank you.

Okay, today's question: if you could do a hobby without the expenses and time what would you do? I would like to learn to play an instrument besides flute and piano, preferably the guitar or drums and since this is the last part and stuff, I will add one more question. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? I would love to go to Europe; Rome, Florence, London, Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin, and Prague and other places, I love traveling but I don't really do it much.

 I really love learning about you guys and gals, because I think it really cool and it makes me feel connected and stuff. so If you guys could share and stuff it would make my day. but you don't have to, just want to make that clear.

Word count: 1323 

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