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"These two..."


I was seated in what was one of the most comfortable leather chairs I had ever encountered. When I gazed around, the walls of the room were a simple beige colour. The office didn’t have much in it except for the corner plant, a stray file cabinet, the desk that was separating me from the principal.

Yup, I was in the principal’s office. I got called in at the very end of the day. I got glares. Everyone seemingly knew what went down. Mia informed me that humans weren’t supposed to see our true nature. Mind you all humans attending the high school were fully aware of the presence of supernaturals. I knew my display of lack of control was going to get me in trouble.

There I was, seated in front of the principal. In trouble.

I gave him a simple smile that suggested that I was amused. We had been sitting in silence for a while and I was starting to entertain myself with my thoughts. Hence the smile.

The principal was a guy with a light shade of brown skin and his head completely bald. He was big. Muscle big. He was old, I could tell, but supernaturals aged differently. He wasn’t a vampire nor a werewolf. His aura gave me a sense of comfort. It was weak. He posed was no threat. I was confusing myself with that mentality.

‘’This matter is rather peculiar.’’ Mr. Ricardo informed me as he leaned into my desk to examine me further. I gave him a slow nod in agreement. It was a strange occurrence. I could have potentially killed my best friend.

‘’You were registered as a human. You’ve been put into human classes. I never would have suspected that you were…’’

‘’A hybrid. It’s a shock to me too, sir.’’ I agreed as I continued to slowly nod in agreement.

‘’-part of the Petrova family.’’ He told me as gave me weary eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him then twisted my face into confusion. Was he scared of me? Rather was he scared of my family? Looking at him, I couldn’t tell.

‘’I live in the Petrova Manor. My last name is literally Marcellus. My family wasn’t exactly hiding anything.’’ I told him with a simple shrug.

‘’I did not doubt that you were human. I thought everything else was simply circumstantial.” He explained to me as his gaze hardened. I could see it in his eyes, he was dying to know.

‘’I had no doubt I had no abilities either. I didn’t mean for any of that to happen.’’ I told Mr. Ricardo with the utmost honesty. I could see that he didn’t care for a word I was saying.

‘’Miss Marcellus, if you were any other student, you would be facing serious disciplinary consequences. I fear not for myself but my people, the Vixen. I’d hate for anything bad to happen to the innocent.’’ He told me as he gave me a look that expressed that he was being placed in a difficult position.

He thought my family would go after him or something. I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved or worried that he would think my family cared about me.


‘’Even if I do let you go, you’ve broken rules within the treaty we had with the Hunters. You’re an open target for them and I can’t help.’’ He told me with a nod that almost resembled pity.

Hunters? What Hunters?

I shifted in my seat as I sat up alarmed. Hunters didn’t sound like a good thing.

‘’It shouldn’t be much trouble with your abilities. All I ask is for you not to make it a complete blood bath.’’ Mr. Ricardo told me in a tone of all honesty.

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