22-The Goodbyes

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sam finishes putting everything in the car.

"lets go"my dad says we all get in.

"is ash coming"i whisper.

my dad glances at me "hes been locked up in his room since yesturday"he says.

i sign in defeat i take out my phone.'please come say bye'i text him.he doesnt awnser.i press my forhead against the cool window.

"is he coming"mom asks.

"no"i whisper a tear slipping down my cheek.

when we get to the aiport i look down at my phone.'please ash i need to say bye'i text him.

"Flight B78 is now boarding"the speaker calls out.

i look for anysight of ash but find nothing.i say bye to my parents they were crying.

"ill call everyday"i whisper they nod.

i hug cooper and sam.

"bye guys please tell ash i said bye"i say.cooper nods.

i get on the airplane when they say five minutes left.i sit down in my seat the guy next to me seemed nice he was playing on his phone.

"you can keep tapping youll always end up loosing"i say

."but its hard"he says i laugh.

"im elizabeth"i say.

"gale"he says i shake his hand.

"so what brings you to paris"i ask.

"im starting at an art school and just broke up with my boyfriend"he says.

"oh"i say.

"if you dont wnat to talk to me anymore because im gay its fine"he says.

"of course not my brother gay"i say

."any chance hes single"i laugh.

"sorry to break your heart hes happily dating"i say.

"so do you have a mate"he asks.

"i did but rejected him because i was in love with another and he loves me but he stills thinks im with my mate and didnt say bye"i say.

"i feel ya"he says i smile

."where you heading to and whyd you come"he asks.

"my heart confused and i need time and i have no where to stay"i say.

the rest of the flight we spent talking my phone vibrates.

"hello"i say

"you left"ash says.

"you didnt say bye"i say

"oh yeah let me go and watch the women i love leave with another man totally"he says sarcatically

."ash i didnt mean it like that and your acting stupid"i say.

he laughs "isnt that how we met princcess"i smile.

"what you doing"i ask gale wiggles his eyebrows.

i blush "talking to you"he says.

"dony start acting smart"i say

"oh im acting now"he says.

"the flight attendent is glaring at me have to go"i say.

"bye beautiful love you"he says and hangs up.

"love you to"i whisper and put the phone down.

"maybe you can stay with me at my place i come to paris a lot i have a two room aparment my roomate just left"he says.

"sure"i say

.'this is our new start ash will just have to wait'rose says.'can we trust gale' i ask her.'yes'she says.he smiles up at me.

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