3-The Bitch Attacks

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i walk into school and everyone starts laughing at me.i ignore them and walk into first period."elizabeth mr.lance needs you"i nod and go to his office.i walk in "do you know who did this"he asks and show me his phone.im their sleeping with my teddy bear."who came into my house"he shakes his head."i dont know but they put pictures all over the school and posted it online i cant do anything about it beth unless i know who the person is?"i storm out.i grab as much papers i can as everyone laughs at me."shut the fuck up why is everyone laughing?"ashton asks walking in.they hand him a paper he crumbles it."who did this"he asks.i grab the one in his hand and the rest from the lockers i throw them away.suddenly a bunch of copies get thrown from the air vent it was broken so it wasnt working."i ask who fucking did this"ash growls.everyone shuts up "clean this shit up and if i dont find the person by tonight everyone will get punished"he growls.two girls step forward "what?"he asks."why do you care"one asks."first its a violation of the law second she hasnt done anything to us for someone to do this to her now clean this shit up"he growls at them."it was sarah"his eyes widen.they start picking up mr.lance walks over."i told you man"he says "thanks bro i couldnt have done that by myself do i deal with her or you got it"he asks."if i were you i wouldnt catch me i have a really funny video about our shy little elizabeth you get me it will be posted all over the school website "we hear her voice from the speaker.the bell rings "you two come"he says.me and ashton follow him."dad yeah...you saw...she's gone mad...no i dont know what to do..ill ask a what he thinks yeah bye"mr.lance says."i think we shouldnt get her yet hey elizebeth do you know which video shes talking about?"i nod."me and same were baking and my mom was recording us and i kept on eating the batter and when sam turned to get the batter it was gone so we got into a war throwing baking stuff at eachother i was 10"ashton starts laughing."i think that cute okay wait here"i nod.he walks out after about a few minutes ashton walks in with sarah over his shoulder."i dare you"he growls."already have babe"she says his friend walks in."take her ill deal with her later i need to see this"i gape at him.they leave "no its emberassing"mr.lance starts peeking as ashton smiles."this is adorable"i blush."stop"they laughs.i peek and see it was the time i tackled sam and hit him with the bag of flour."this is so bad ugh"i say."your already an outcast what it gonna do"i nod."you have a point"i say."i hate that bitch why sneak into my house i accidently dropped my food on her"they laugh at me."you know i have to go sams gonna kill me for this"ashton rolls his eyes."let me give you a ride"he says "can i leave school early mr.lance"i ask he nods.ashton drives me home sam lives with us so that good.his parents were killed in a rouge attack thats how we met then became friends the first day of kinder."thanks"i say ashton nods.i walk into the house to see my mom petting a white wolf with green eyes.

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