13-I Was Just A Laugh

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i wake up to ash and my dad arguing.

"i wont let you hurt her ash!"my dad yells.

"i wont i love her"ash says.

he was sitting on the corner of the bed.his hand threw his hair.

"oh really how bout when you fimd your mate when she finds her's"my dad asks.

"ill reject mine jasp i dont know why but i want eli i dont want someone else"my dad signs.

"ash you may reject your but what if beth doesnt feel the same way as you"ash eyes snap to him.

"do you think that she would rather have her mate that would break me jasp"i pretend to stay asleep.

"look ash i dont know how shes feeling but i dont want her to choose between you and her mate either you fix this now or get both your hearts broken later"he asks.

"i already love her i....fine you win"ash says.

"thank you anyway im gonna give your dad a heart attack he thinks im dead stupid bastard do the right thing ash"ash nods.

my dad leaves ash shoulder were shaking slightly.i look closer and see a tear fall down his cheek.cooper walks in and looks at ash in shock.

"you havent cried since 3rd grade whats wrong?"ash shakes his head.

"i need to be alone"ash says getting up.

"okay man i understand but when your ready please tell me"ash nods.

"if eli asks tell her i went home cause of my dad"cooper nods ash walks out.

i fall asleep again thinking ash is a werewolf.

i wake up to my phone ringing my dad get it and awnser.

i sit up "yeah shes awake...yeah.....be careful...yeah okay bye"he says.

"ash is downstairs he's taking you out"i nod.

"he's breaking up with me isnt he like you told him to"i say his eyes widen.

"thats his choice he wasnt meant for you"my dad whispers.

"i understand dad thanks"i whisper.

once he out i knew i was crying.i walk down after getting dressed.

ash there "you ready?"i nod.

my dad whispers something in his ear.ash just shruggs and tells me to follow.

"where going to a party"he says.

yes hes not breaking up with me.

we get to the party "can you get us some drinks"he asks i nod.

when i come back i see a girl and ash making out.i run out crying.so he did something much worse cheated.my phone beeps 'you actually tought i loved you i knew you were awake it was funny of the look of hurt you had on your face it was a nice game but i dont like you never did it was a nice laugh tho'i throw my phone.

"woah their"someone says i look up to find alex.

"what do you want"i growl crying.

"why would ash do this?"he asks reading the message.

"can you take me home?"i ask he nods confused.

when we get home i thank him and run into the house.

my dad grabs my hand "you okay?"he whispers.

"yeah dad fine thank you"i say.

"for what?"he asks.

"for showing me that love makes us blind....blind to see it was just a joke"he hugs me.

i cry into his chest "i love him dad but i was just a joke to him a stupid laugh as he would say"my dad holds me tighter.

"whats wrong jasp?"an older ash says popping up.

"nothing derek just boy problems eat something and get some rest you have school tommorow"he whispers.

i run up and dont bother to eat and cry myself to sleep.

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