2-It Was An Accident

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"im s--"she cuts me off."shut up you stupid bitch this shirt is new and you ruined it"i tuck a hair behind my ear.befire i can say anything she shove a plate of pizza at my face and moves it around.the pizza slide down my face.she smirks."okay ladies lets go"a security says dragging us to the princiapl office."beth what happen"he asks standing up."can i have a napkin"he hands me one i wipe my face."sarah did you do this"she smirks."yeah beacuse you purpously dropped her food on my new shirt"i roll my eyes."mr.lance why would i drop my food on her if i paid for it and wanted to eat ut now i have nothing to eat"my stomach growl he gives me five dollars."no"he smiles."yes beth go ill deal with sarah go get food you know not eating kills brain cells youll start egtting stupid"i fake gasp he rolls hsi eyes."take it or ill take away your two free periods"he says i imetially grab it and run out.i get new food and sit by the tree and eat.ash sits infront of me."what do you want"he pretends fake hurt."you dont want to see me....by the way your popularity scales gone up since you dropped food on sarah"i pale."but it was an accident i didnt mean to ugh"he laughs at me."instead of being the schools biggest outcast your the second biggest outcast"he winks."but i loved my position"he laughs."hey so the project i reallu dont understand it so...."i nod."you wnay me to do it all by myself"he shakes his head quickly."no not that i tought maybe you can like explain it to me"i nod."we had to choose a mineral an explain it like what type is it what number is it in the scale stuff like that ours is feldspar has a hardness of 6 so its pretty hard"he nods."well the rest we get online"he smiles."im good at that ill do the research abd you can put it in your own words ill also try and find some"i nod."okay you can go now i bet your friends are waiting"he shakes his head."they wont mind"he says.i guy passes by "nice job"he says with a wink."did he just wink at me"i ask shocked.ashton starts laughing "your face youve bever been winked at"i nod."yeah but by sam thats diffrent he sows it pike a brother this fuy just flirted with me"he continues laughing."okay you are to funny"i roll my eyes."where sam anyway?"he asks."went home early wasnt feeling good"i lie he searhes my face."ill take that"i smile proudly to myslef."why are you sitting with me your gonna bring your popularity scale down"he smirks."or you up"i roll my eyes."never will i like so many eyes at me its creepy its just like their always staring"he laughs."your exaggerating"i shake my head."no im not your are"he looks at me."about"i smirk."your popularity"the bell rings.i get up and walk away leaving with a proud smirk."this isnt over!"he yells.i stick my middle finger out not even caring to look back i can hear him laughing from all the way inside.sarah walks over."because of you i got a referal im gonna make your life a living hell bitch better watch out"she smirks and walks away.i just ignore her little 'comment'and walk towards last period.

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