Day 1: First day at Vincent's house

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It was sunset. I took a step forward to the house I was supposed to work in. I knocked on the door. A purple man opened it, he had a big grin on his face

"Why hello there" he said.

"Uhm hello I-im here to see Mr.Vincent" I replied.

"Ah yes, Im Vincent" he said "you must be my new maid"

"Uhm yeah i guess" I said.

"Come on in" he said as he walked to one side to let me through. As I entered I felt a hand touch me below the waist. I turned around abruptly.

"Hehe" Vincent said. I slapped him and walked through. I heard a growl.

"Your room will be the last one at the end of the hall" he said "heres your uniform" He handed me a small tight shirt with no straps and a tiny skirt.

"Im supposed to wear this?" I asked.

"Yes" he replied "you look sexy, I bet you look sexier in that" I blushed and made my way into the room. I organized my things and locked my door. I closed everything in the room thinking he'll come back and do something worse. It was dark already the clock read: 8:35 . I sighed.

"Oh maaiid" I heard it coming from outside." Come clean the dishes". I walked out.

"Wear your uniform" he said. I pouted and put the shirt and skirt on. The skirt reached up to the middle of my thighs. I walked out and started washing the dishes. I heard him dragging the chair back and he stood behind me.

"You know I need my personal space" I said.

"Not with me" he grabbed me by the breasts and hugged me tight. I blushed.

"Tell me your name" as he hugged me tighter.

"Its Michelle" i said.

"Michelle" he purred.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"A kiss?" He said. I blushed and turned around. Well he wont leave me alone until i kiss him. I put my lips on his and he shoved his tongue into my mouth. I tried to get out of it, but he just held me tighter as I tried. He finally let go.

"I'll see you in the morning" he said. I walked back to my room and he walked to his. I shut the door behind me and took off my uniform. God, I'm starting to hate him more than I already do. The little clock read 8:59. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

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