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"Why did you do this?" I asked still in shock because this was like all the books well at least that's what it felt like

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"Why did you do this?" I asked still in shock because this was like all the books well at least that's what it felt like. "I just wanted to now shut up".

When we got out of the car he didn't hesitate grabbing my hand and interlocking our finger.. butterflies. When we walked over to the dock we were greeted by and man and a women who were dressed offaly nice. The man reached for Giovanni hand firmly shaking it while eye fucking me at the same time then reaching for my hand and placing a kiss on the back of it. "Mr Luca boat ride for 2 am I correct?" the man looked over at me again smiling then turning his attention back to Gio. "Yes," as he said that the lady proceeded to introduce herself but not to me only to Giovanni. "Nice to finally meet you sir," she said in a low seductive voice as if none of us noticed.

He didn't say anything back he just nodded turning his attention to me and back to her as she stepped away. "You can speak to my guest or I can have you removed." She turned around slightly rolling her eyes and went to shake my hand. She looked flustered when I went past her hand pulling her into a sharp hug, "bitch don't play with me please I don't feel like ruining another dress." With that I pulled away back into Giovanni's intoxicating smell earning a smile from him and the worker just scurried away.

He grabbed my hand once again as we followed the workers on to a yacht a fucking yacht. "do you own this?" I said baffled at how big this thing was. "yes I do, do you like it?" he asked.

"yes of course", I said while walking onto the yacht taking it the fresh smell of the ocean. It was still bright out the sun usally goes down around 9:00pm. He started talking to someone on the phone so I took that as my chance and stepped away leaning over the rail of the boat. The sky looked gorgeous and i'm not going to lie nothing scared me but the damn ocean and rob me and I wouldn't say anything.

I kept gazing for 5 more minutes until I felt a hand wrap around my waist immediately knowing it was him. "You like the view?" he asked and I felt like I was in heaven, "yes I do a lot."

"You look like your thinking what are you thinking about principessa?" Giovanni uttered staring up right into my eyes...damn he was fine.

"Well if you must ask... i'm thinking about on how the hell did the government or whoever badly explore the ocean but explored space. It's all a lie honestly because how can you explore space and not the ocean. It must be somthing they are hiding i'm convinced. That's why the ocean terrifies me because either we know what's down there and they just don't want to say shit or they really don't know and for all I know a damn megaladon could be down there. There's a reason they don't say shit about it but are always saying "we explored more of space" but only found 3% of the ocean? What a damn lie." I think I over did it... I went on about this subject for what felt like 10 seconds but in reality we had moved seats and were not sitting down ... it's been 20 min.

"I'm sorry for rambling..." I laughed accidentally snorting. He didn't seem bored nor annoyed he looked amused I guess I can say? "No, I agree with you the government is one whole lie to fuck over the whole world, but they can't fuck over me they literally work for me so eh. But yeah the ocean freaks me out" He said causing me to smile. I've never been able to talk to anyone about what I thought they all thought I was crazy, I don't really blame them though cause I might be.

We didn't really move from our spot we just sat there watching the sunset..it actually felt like a movie but one where the man had a secret life working for the mafia but finds out his girlfriend did too. We sat there absorbing the cool air until it started to get cold and he got up pulling me up with him leading me into the boat.

When we got inside there was a table covered in red roses and plates. We sat down but of course he pulled my chair out for me. "I give props to your mom she raised you to be a perfect gentleman." He went dead silent and it concerned me for a minute until he finally spoke up, "what kind of wine white or red?" so nothing about what I said?

"Um red" I said kinda feeling awkward now because I kind of ruined the mood.. what if he didn't have a mother or his grandma raised him or no one? oh my gosh i'm horrible. Our waiter handed us our wine asking us what we wanted to eat and he didn't let me speak. "Two large shrimp scampi and don't make the shrimp chewy or i'm going to shove it up-"

I cut him off by kicking his knee causing him to groan. I didn't say anything but I looked up to him shooting him daggers and smiling. The waiter looked at both of us nodding at me and walked away towards the back. "You don't have to be an ass all the time" I yelled at him then rolled my eyes and that finally caught his attention. "Don't tell me what to do" OH REALLY?

"I hate you" I muttered taking a sip of my wine and right when I placed it back on the table he drew his finger up to my chin, rubbing his thumb over my lips. It sent chills down my body as he trailed his eyes up and down.. "you know you love me" i'm gonna faint.

heyyy baes I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter cause I did and it will be continued into the next chapter.. This is unedited and make sure to comment and vote xoxo
twitter: brattpostedthat

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