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Cassiopeia was walking in the hallways, chewing her gum aggressively as she looked at Erica flirting with Isaac. It was one thing to verbally flirt with him but when she was pushing her cleavage towards him, that was another.

"Did you hear Jackson Whittemore didn't show to school today?"

"He didn't?"

"His parents called and so did the police-"

Cassiopeia rolled her eyes before mumbling profanities under her breath as she tore her gaze away from the blonde girl and the sandy haired boy. If she looked at them for a second longer, she was going to rip Erica's head off.

The girl was going to wait for Allison until she saw cameras being installed all over the school. The girl angrily growled before walking inside of her first period of the day, not wanting the Argent's to know the two brunettes were friends. Though she really didn't want to be in school right now.

"I saw you starring"

Isaac said while taking a seat next to Cassiopeia, who simply decided to ignore him. Her arms were crossed on her chest as she looked straight at the board. Her face wearing a blank expression.

"Cas, look at me"

He pleaded as the girl's jaw tightened before feeling his hand on her thigh. Taking a deep breath, Cassiopeia tried her hardest not to rip away from his grasp.

"What did I do? Cas, talk to me"

"I have nothing to say to you"

She spat as Mrs Monroe walked inside of the class with a smile on her face. Cassiopeia tightened the grip around her arms as she felt Isaac moving his chair closer to her.

"Is it because Erica-"

"Say that bitch's name again and I'll claw your heart out"

"Damn babe, tell me how you really feel"

The boy stated with a chuckle as the girl growled softly at him. Isaac bit his lip as the woman with perfectly curled hair started teaching, though he really didn't care about math right now.

Taking her notebook out of her bag, Cassiopeia started taking notes as Isaac, after a few minutes, put a hand on her notes. The girl growled at him before looking into his blue eyes.

"She doesn't mean anything. I swear"

"I don't care, Lahey. We don't owe each other nothing"

"You- Cas, I'm sorry. What more do you want from me?"

He asked while sending her puppy eyes as she huffed in annoyance. Even when she said that his puppy eyes didn't work on her, they did. They worked so well that she always melted.

"They don't work on me"

"You can't lie to me, princess"

Isaac stated with a smile as the girl raised an eyebrow at the sandy haired boy. She chose to ignore his comment as he squeezed her thigh gently.

"You're cute when you get jealous"

"Then I'm gonna to be super adorable when I rip her head off with my bare fucking hands"

"Yes you will"

He teased before kissing her cheek as a small crimson colour appeared on her cheeks. She would've turned around to kiss him if they weren't in class right now.

Cassiopeia cursed her wolf, who was currently going crazy and was ready to jump Isaac's bones at any moment. She knew exactly what was happening to her.

She had imprinted.

• • •

Jacob was sitting next to his older sister, who was deep in her reading as he stared at Danny from afar. The boy was laughing with creepy stalker Matt which annoyed the vampire a lot.

"Just go talk to him"

Cassiopeia stated without looking up from her book as her little brother jumped at the sound of her voice. He didn't expect her to notice that he was starring at the American boy.

"I can't...he's clearly interested in Matt"

"That's because he doesn't know you yet. Go talk to him, ask him about history, he's extremely good at it"

"So am I!"

"Shut up, go talk to him! Now!"

The Alpha said while pushing her brother towards the lacrosse player who smiled softly at him.

"Playing Cupid?"

"Doesn't Cupid mean cute and stupid?"

"No, are you okay?"

Safya asked her sister with a concern look as she stared at the Alpha's grey aura.

"Still breathing but death inside-...I'm halfway to the goal"

"Jesus, what happened to you?"

"Saf...I think I imprinted"

Cassiopeia whispered while putting her head in between her hands. She took deep breaths trying to control the rate of her heartbeat as her foot taped nervously on the floor.

"Of Isaac?"


"I know"

Safya cut her sister off with a smile on her face as the werewolf looked at her sister with a confused expression on her face. How could Safya know?

"Remember when you calmed him down on the field? Jacob and I knew you had imprinted"

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because we know- we know how you feel about the whole imprint thing. After Ty-... after him, we didn't think you'd want to know that you've imprinted again"


The girl couldn't even form a sentence as her mind was racing like crazy. Cassiopeia had believed in imprint at some point in her life but she didn't want to experience that again.

Being imprinted wasn't like love at first sight. It was more like gravity moved suddenly, earth wasn't holding her anymore, (s)he is. Everything, and everyone, became secondary and only the imprintee mattered. You would become whatever (s)he needed you to be, whether that was a protector, a lover, or a friend.

You cannot emotionally live without h(er)im, and neither can he(r). If one of them died, it would be like part of her wolf died with them. It was a painful experience that Cassiopeia wished no one ever experience in their life.

The pain it left still hurted, even after 4 years of grief.

infatuated ¹ - i.laheyWhere stories live. Discover now