A Golden Heart With Golden Feelings

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You turned around for a moment and saw the look in the friend's eyes and rushed over, you didn't want to witness something else between the two. You jogged over and grabbed Sapnap's arm, Dream glaring at you for a moment. "That's enough. Come on Sapnap." You mumbled under your breath and pulled Sapnap towards the shore, occasionally looking back at Dream who had not once taken his eyes off of you.

The male didn't say anything once you both reached the warm water. You looked up at him and ran a hand through your hair, "What was that?" .

"What was what." He spoke through his teeth, but nearly mumbling.

"You and Dream? You guys still haven't said sorry to each other and before we know it, you both are at each other's throats. Oh yeah, and have I forgotten to mention that all of us have been left in the dark about this? I mean, at least I know I have because I had to get answers from fucking Quackity!" Your blood slowly began to boil and your once calm voice became angered. "Do you believe the shit that you both are putting us through? For once in your goddamn lives can you think about someone besides yourselves?!"

"Yeah we‒" He was cut off by your rampage of words and questions. "Y/N, calm down." Is what he had to say after all of that, his hand inching closer to yours to try and stop your hands from flailing in the air.

"Calm down?! After that, you tell me to calm down?! No Nick! I don't want to be calm, I want answers, I want the truth that I can't get from my two best friends!" You kept waving your arms and shouting not even noticing Techno and Dream staring, "Do you even know how hard keeping up with you i‒"

Time was frozen. In the worst way possible. Was that the only way he could get you to shut up? His lips were rougher than Dream's. The whole thing left you in more shock then you could put into words, and the fact that now Wilbur and George stood behind the shore next to Dream and Techno made it a million times worse. Your hands flew backwards and you pulled away after being in complete surprise for a few seconds. Your eyes were wide open and Sapnap looked pale as a ghost.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to‒" He stated sharply, the embarrassment creeping through his voice.

"You didn't mean to?" You paused to laugh, "Oh okay." You said, waving him off and shaking your head, walking away and leaving him by the water.

"Y/N..." He groaned and followed behind you.

"Don't you dare." You spoke with dominance and glared straight into his eyes. You turned back and continued on your path, wrapping your arms around your waist and not once looking back. You walked around the crowd of your friend's who stood before you, not batting at eye but seeing as they all watched you pass.

"I'm‒" George stammered out and looked down at Sapnap who was nearly halfway back to where the group stood.

"Holy shit." Wilbur replied to the scene and cupped his hand over his mouth.

"Should someone go follow her?" Techno suggested and crossed his arms tightly over his chest.

"I'll go." Dream said in a quiet voice and tapped his foot against the sand, looking down at his fidgeting hands.

"Are you sure that's the best idea?" George asked, turning to look at Dream.

"I have answers to give her, I have a lot to say and a lot to fix." Dream said, maturely and respectfully. "And after I'm done talking to her, I need to talk to you." He started looking up to Sapnap.

"Sounds reasonable, just don't give her a heart attack." Techno replied.

"Will do." Dream responded before heading off to follow you. After a few moments of light jogging, he had finally caught up to you, "Y/N!" He called out and jogged up next to you.

𝐀 𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 ( 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 )Where stories live. Discover now