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The weeks went by with Lestrange and Lyra avoiding each other as much as they could. One accidental touch or direct eye contact resulted in them turning instantly away from one another. If they were to almost be left alone they would quickly bolt away in opposing directions.

Back in potions class, Slughorn had assigned them to prepare an in-class paper on the side effects of Angels Trumpet draughts if brewed incorrectly.

"Does anyone have an extra quill?" Lestrange frustratedly asked sitting across from her.

Without looking at him she reached for her overstuffed bag and pulled out an extra quill she always carried. Motioning it towards him she however didn't want to meet his eyes. It wasn't until his hands brushed onto her till she looked up, his hand on top of hers trying to grab the quill. The memory of his hands roaming aimlessly around her thighs ripping open her shirt flashed into both their minds.

Wide-eyed looking at each other they quickly pulled away with him coughing, "Thank you."
"What the hell is going on between you two? You've been acting like this for weeks now?" Avery whispered to not capture Slughorn's attention.

"I don't know what you're talking about now, shut it before Slughorn thinks we're cheating," Lyra spoke out.

She couldn't concentrate and neither could he. The events with difficulty kept expressing themselves in their mind. She shuddered at the memory of him biting down onto her sore neck and shook her head to redraw her focus.

Completing the finishing touches of her paper Lyra didn't observe Riddle surveying her and Lestrange, how his focus now shifted onto Lestrange and stayed there. He gradually shifted his body to be close to Lyra and whispered, "What did happen?" raising his eyebrow.

Looking at him, "Nothing now leave me alone." Lyra placed her onto his cheek and slightly prodded him away.

"Touch me again and-"

"Ya ya, you'll kill me or whatever. Finish your paper." Riddle didn't comprehend why Lyra remained the only person who didn't cower in fear when he threatened her. She knows Riddle was capable enough to enact his threats, but that didn't cease her. One look was always enough to scarcely pierce fear or slavish obedience towards the frightened boys, but not her.

In the previous weeks, the two always bickered at one another. He would insist he was correct, and she would swear horribly at him insisting she was correct instead. They fought over homework, projects, even what type of music is better, but it was never escalated to anything physical like before.

Even the boys minded how Lyra was 'allowed' to carry out things they wouldn't dare to attempt towards Riddle. How she would constantly cross-examine him, argues with his opinions, or how Riddle allowed her to still touch him even after he'd threaten her. But they never questioned Riddle about it, keeping to themselves.

After potions, Lyra, Riddle, Gwen, and Rosier headed towards the library while the rest, minus Malfoy who was with his girlfriend, went to quidditch practice for the big game later against Hufflepuff.

A month at Hogwarts and she was nowhere close enough to finding any Horcruxes or Voldemort. She had carefully followed everyone one at a time to see if anything suspicious would be found but the sole thing she uncovered was how Rosier and Malfoy would be glued to their girlfriends or Riddle mainly doing his prefect rounds. She didn't suspect Avery, Mulciber, or Nott solely based on the fact the four would always spend time together either in their dorms late at night drinking or her desperately trying to help them with their potions and defense against the dark arts class.

It began to irk her, wondering if Draco had sent someone else in the order, they would have succeeded easily. Would they? Or whatever happened to her memories happen as well to anyone else in her position.

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