👑 Tooru Oikawa 👑

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Head Canon: Dating Tooru Oikawa

The One Where It's Just General Dating Head Canons.


👑 It takes a while to get with Oikawa.

👑 You're the first girl not to just fall at his feet.

👑 In fact, his flirting didn't phase you at all.

👑 It totally didn't bother Oikawa at all.

👑 You needed to be sure his feelings were genuine, and they weren't at first.

👑 It'll become a challenge to flirt with you, but along the way, he'll develop real feelings.

👑 OH! I hope you don't get aggravated and angry easily.

👑 No matter what kind of personality you have, you are going to get jealous.

👑 That fan club of his really just irks you.

👑 You may want to run an actual club through their little fan club heads, Iwaizumi will have to stop you.

👑 Having girls gush over and cheer for your boyfriend was one thing.

👑 Having them blatantly flirt with him in front of you? That boiled your blood.

👑 Having your boyfriend encourage them and practically flirt back? Well, you're livid.

👑 You're gonna be rather standoffish and cold towards Oikawa for the day, and you'll probably complain to Iwaizumi about him.

👑 Oikawa won't take your jealousy seriously because he loves you, you shouldn't have to worry about being jealous.

👑 Unless it gets the point Iwaizumi has to berate him for being dumb, then he'll comfort you and, begrudgingly, announce to his fan club how much he loves you.

👑 Oikawa is jealous prone.

👑 Normally he wouldn't get jealous, but you were the only girl who didn't grovel at his feet, what if you liked other guys better than him?

👑 If he sees a guy checking you out he'll be livid.

👑 You know that quote "If you're going to hit it, hit it until it breaks?" in this case, said guy is the it.

👑 He won't act out or get violent, instead, he'll act really cocky towards people he knows are interested in you, but really he feels inferior.

👑 You're gonna need to comfort him, reassure him he's yours.

👑 Fights aren't common, but Oikawa will take them very seriously.

👑 If he did something to upset you, it might take him a bit to come off his high horse, but he will come off it soon and apologize, even if Iwaizumi has to drag him off.

👑 While he can be childish, Oikawa can also be very serious, and, unlike with jealousy, if somethings upsetting you Oikawa wants to fix it.

👑 Oikawa is a flirt, so expect some pick up lines and romance.

👑 He'll randomly do cheesy stuff, like impromptu picnics, and randomly showing to take you on a date.

👑 Cute pet names are a must for him.

👑 Show up to his practice and watch his games.

👑 He likes showing off for you, and having you cheer for him boosts his ego.

👑 Besides, you have to make your presence as his girlfriend known to his fan club.

👑 He's gonna cuddle you after his matches and watch the game footage with you so he can better himself for next time.

👑 Tell him he's better than crappyyama Kageyama.

👑 Bake milk bread with him, it's both a disaster and romantic.


Edited: 4-7-2021

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