🎽 Koshi Sugawara 🎽

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A/N: Changed the prompt up a little bit to fit the conversation better. 

Requested By: CL0udy-Skies0

Drabble: "What about now?"

The One With A Proposal. 


Koshi Sugawara placed his hand in yours, letting your arms loosely hang between you both as you walked, your arms ever so lightly touching each other every once in a while as you walked along the beach. The cold February air hit your face and it made you both shiver, never the less you didn't dare the leave the beach. 

It was Valentine's day, the day of romance, Koshi hadn't failed to make it utterly romantic for you. Koshi had decided to take you out and spoil you for the entire day, between taking you out to a chocolate shop and letting you go on a spree and taking you out to dinner, the beach was just a romantic highlight of the night you weren't ready to end. 

"Thanks for taking me out Koshi. I've really been missing you lately." 

Koshi's chest panged as you spoke out your words so softly. He hadn't had much time for you as of lately. Volleyball had become a full-time job as of recent. It was his final year of high school, this was the year that really counted. He wanted to get in as many games as he could, win the nationals, and try to get scouted. He had been putting in more practice as well as spending time studying to keep his grades up. 

More and more you seemed to come in second place to volleyball. He never meant or intended to make you feel that way. That was why he made sure to set the time and money aside to take you out. He made sure to set the time aside to be with you. There were two things in life Sugawara was sure of. He wanted to play volleyball, and he wanted you. If he didn't have these two things then he knew he would have regrets later on in life. 

"I miss you too. I wish I had more time for you, nationals just keep me busy. It's not that I don't love you and wanna spend time with you, because I do." 

"I know, Koshi, I love you too. But nationals... It's important to you and your team. I miss you, but I'd rather you focus on that rather than me. I'd feel awful selfish if I kept you away from your passion."

You were so understanding, and never made a fuss or tried to pull him away from his hobby. You were sublimely perfect. You were so patient, watched him at practice, and cheered him on in games. You didn't even really know what was going on half the time. 

"Do you remember when we were in Kindergarten and you gave me a Ring Pop on Valentine's day and said it made us married?"

You let out a light laugh as you shivered, you should've worn a warm jacket. It's February, the air is chilly, you should've been smarter. Koshi shrugged his jacket off of his shoulders and gave it to you. You were quick to shrug it on over your arms, the heat instantly engulfing you as you smiled over at Koshi with the memories distant in your head. 

"Yeah. I don't think it was even my ring pop, I'm twenty percent sure I stole it from [Girl Name] because she was rude about my lack of Valentine's day cards and gifts." 

Koshi laughed as you hid your face in your hands in embarrassment. He wouldn't put it above you to do something like that. In reality, you had received a multitude of Valentine's day gifts from the kids in your kindergarten class, but Koshi had stolen them so he would be your only valentine that day. It did work because, in the end, he was fake married to you for a month and a half. 

"I have a confession to make. I stole your Valentine's day gifts so I could be your only valentine." 

You let out a hard laugh as you brought your hands down from your face and grabbed Koshi's hands with a tight grip. You looked at him with a wide, bewildered grin. 

"I have a confession to make. I'm not twenty percent sure I stole that ring, I know I stole that ring. [Girl Name] put it on your Valentine's day box, so I took it out, and I trashed her dumb poorly spelled confession."

"We were horrible children, weren't we?"

"I stand by what I did, and I'd do it again! She was a brat, and I got to be fake married to you for a month and a half."  

"What if I wanted to be real married?"

You stopped walking and paused in your tracks You turned to Koshi with a smile and red cheeks.  

"To me? Well, I wouldn't be opposed to you proposing in the future."

"What about now? Today."


Koshi sunk to the ground and got on his knee, not caring that the damp grainy sand was getting on his pants. His heart was pumping, and he wasn't registering a thing around him as he pulled a ring box out of his pocket.

"When we were kids you gave me a ring pop, This year, I'm giving you a real one."

"Koshi, we're still in high school!"

You wail your words out to your boyfriend as you cover your face with the sleeve of his sweater. You were both in awe and disbelief that he was doing this. You were smiling, with a raging blush. But, on the other hand, you felt nauseous and anxious, you were still kids. Koshi stood up and pulled your hands out of your face, then he cupped your cheeks nervously. 

"We're graduating this year. I don't know what's going to happen after high school, but I know that I want you to be with me. I want you to be by my side for it all, we can be high school sweethearts."

"My parents are going to kill you, but yeah. Yeah, yes. I'll be your highschool sweetheart, I'll marry you, Koshi."

Your arms wrapped around Koshi as he pressed a soft kiss against your cheek. He was complete with you. He didn't know what the future held for him, but if he had you then he knew he would be happy with no regrets. 


Edited: 2-10-2021

Tip Jar: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme2/IzzyJJ13?locale.x=en_USp


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