Prologue - Hot Doctor's Destined Love

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Date Started: December 30, 2012

Thanks for giving my story a try... Hope you like it... ^___^

This story is a pure fiction, a product of my imagination...

Formerly titled: Sell my Virginity to the Hot Doctor


>>>Cleo's POV

Virginity- Protected it for 20 years but given in just one night.

Who would have thought that the conservative promdi would be a slut for a night?

Unexpected, yes. But, I guess, I don't really have a choice. This is all I have to offer.

My virginity as an exchange for an easy money. And I sell my virginity to the hot doctor.

>>>Exer's POV

I usually don't 'do' virgins. They're too pure for me.

I have my share of liberated women whose too willing to jump in my bed but one particular woman caught my attention. She's too hot and too innocent for her own good. And she's selling her virginity. I really don't know what's got into me. Too cliché to say, I bought her, willingly.

This is a story of friendship, family, sacrifices, passion and of course, love. A story that started with her, selling her virginity to him, the hot doctor.

tnx for reading... ^____^

Hot Doctor's Destined Love(ongoing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon