Chapter 14: Attacked

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I'm not gonna lie, this healing pool was amazing!

I was feeling like I was about to pass out from exhaustion when I entered. But the second I was in the water, all of that went away. Hell, I didn't even feel like sleeping anymore.

Me and Kaito were both in the pool, but we both had towels on, sorry Yaoi fans.

Kaito: "So, what's the plan after this?"

Connor: "After Emiko is all healed up, it's off to New Jersey"

Kaito: "Did the gods mention anything about where in New Jersey?"

Connor: "No, but I think I have a good guess. Based on what Aphrodite told me, Apophis loves dry deserts. So why would he go to a coastal state?"

Kaito's eyes lit up the second he realized what I was saying.

Kaito: "It's where we'd least expect him to hide"

Connor: "Yep, and by that logic, he's probably on a beach, or some island that's somewhat isolated. There are a couple options, but the most likely place is Long Beach Island"

Kaito: "Never heard of it"

Connor: "Dad used to take me and Emiko there on vacation when we were younger. We rented out a beach house for a week and really just enjoyed the island"

Kaito: "But why there of all places?"

Connor: "Don't really have a better reason. I know the island pretty well, so we could check it out pretty fast. If he's not there, we'll move on"

Suddenly, I saw Angel run out of the pool room, fully clothed, with a scared expression on her face.

Connor: "Hey, I think I'll go check on her"

Kaito: "Didn't Heka tell us to wait here?"

Connor: "Yeah, but screw that. I still haven't forgiven him. Besides, something was off with her, I need to make sure she's okay"

I got out of the water and quickly got dressed. I ran out of the pool room, and looked for any signs of Angel. I heard footsteps down the hall, so I ran down it. Halfway down the hall, I noticed something. There was a door, with my name on a golden plate attached right to the door. The door was slightly open, so I pushed it open farther and stepped inside.

And wouldn't you know it, it was an exact copy of my room. Same bed, same worn down desk, same empty closet, same everything. However there was one new thing in the room. It was Angel, laying down in my bed. She was facing the wall, so I couldn't see her face.

Connor: "Hey, are you okay?"

Angel quickly sat up and turned around. She just stared at me for a second. Then, she started to blush hard.

Angel: "I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't mean to come into your room without permission!"

I walked over to her and sat down next to her.

Connor: "Well, this is my room, but it's a copy. It's not my real room"

Angel: "O-Oh... Ehe~..."

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