Chapter 22: Struggle

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I almost don't even want to write this chapter...

Angel's dead and it's all my fault. I overreacted and instead of helping everyone escape, I was just a burden. However even though I was feeling miserable, Idril was doing her best to cheer me up.

We were back in my room, in the Egyptian wing. We passed Kaito and Himari on the way to my dorm room.

Kaito: "Hey man, how are you feeling?"

I could tell I was looking tired and weak.

Connor: "Miserable..."

Himari walked up to me and gave me a hug, which I wasn't expecting.

Himari: "I'm so sorry, Connor"

Connor: "Thanks..."

Kaito: "Now may not be the best time, but Heka has a new quest for us. Odin will—"

I cut him off.

Connor: "I'm not going"

Himari: "W-What do you mean?!"

Connor: "I'm not going on another quest. I'm not losing anyone else"

I pushed them out of the way, instantly regretting it. I then started to walk passed them until Himari spoke up.

Himari: "We'd be going back to Apophis' lair. We'd be going to save dad"

I looked back at them.

Connor: "Fine, count me in"

Kaito: "Why the sudden change of heart?"

I turned away, continuing to my dorm room.

Connor: "I'm gonna kill that bastard...."

After Idril and I arrived at my dorm room, I saw some of Angel's stuff laying around. She'd been staying with me in my room since before we left for the quest. She said after I moved out of her dorm room, she'd gotten use to sleeping with someone else in the room. And hey, there was 3 freaking beds in this room. So there was room for her.

But now... she would never come back...

Idril: "Your room is beautiful"

Connor: "Thanks, where have you been sleeping since we got back?"

Idril: "Next to you, I never left your side"

Connor: "You really didn't have to. It was a long quest, and you just left Alfheim. You should've relaxed"

Idril took my hand and looked up at me with a slight blush.

Idril: "B-But I owe you my life, and I'm in your service"

Connor: "I already told you, you don't owe me anything"

Idril: "F-Fine, then I just want to be of use to you"

Connor: "You've helped me plenty"

Idril: "J-Just let me be your dorm room maid. I promise not to look through your things"

I just noticed that Idril never changed out of her maid outfit. She was still wearing it, even after all we went through.

Connor: "Fine, but please try not to wear yourself out"

Idril's tail started to sway happily.

Idril: "Thank you, Connor!"

She brought me into a big hug.

Connor: "Hey... Idril"

She looked up at me.

Idril: "What is it?"

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