S2 - Chapter 19: Last Stand

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We had about an hour before they would arrive at our front doors. There was mass panic, with some students planning on running away, some hiding, some fighting till the end.

Me? I was trying to gather the courage to even stand. Call me a coward all you want, but when you see an army this big, I'd like to see you try standing.

From behind us, a portal formed. And from that portal, Connor's group emerged.

Emiko: "You're all okay!"

I managed to shove the army into the back of my mind and ran over to them. I then saw a book in Connor's hand, kind of like how he had described it. Multiple symbols and hieroglyphs from all kinds of Mythology, even some I didn't understand.

Emiko: "How do you already have the book?! It's only been a few minutes since we left the Underworld"

Idril: "Since Nanami took over, the time difference has shifted. Time moves slower here than it does in Alfheim, instead of the other way around"

From behind Idril, I could see another girl. She was an elf, like Idril, but her skin was much darker. She had green hair and was only wearing a long sleeve shirt, which was too big for her. But that was a blessing, because I doubt she was wearing anything underneath the oversized shirt.

Emiko: "Who's that?"

Idril: "This is Lyra, we saved her in Alfheim, and she wants to help"

Himari: "We'll need all the help we can get"

Connor: "On the way here, she said she could help decipher some of the book, right Lyra?"

She hid behind Idril, only peaking her head out a little. She spoke in a quiet, shy voice.

Lyra: "Y-Yes..."

Idril wrapped her arms around her.

Idril: "It's okay, they're friends"

Kaito: "We should get inside the main building. Gather everyone up, we don't have a lot of time"

Siyuka: "On it"

She disappeared in a flash of lightning.

About 10 minutes later, we managed to get to everyone inside. However not a single person was calm. Some were even crying.

Connor, Idril, Lyra, and I sat at the head table, where the people who ran the meetings would sit. Even though we were in the cafeteria, it still counted.

Emiko: "I know this is seriously scary, but you need to calm down. We have the key to beating Nanami right here. In this book, contains the only solution to beating them. Lyra here will decipher what it says"

We set the book in front of Lyra, and after a few seconds, she started reading out loud.

Lyra: "When The Destroyer is awakened, the only way for it to exist in our plain of existence is to possess the body of someone. They may seem impossible to defeat, however this isn't the case. The Destroyer has one weakness, and that is the Key of Existence"

On the page, there was a drawing of a knife, almost like a dagger. I suddenly recognized the shape of it. I quickly reached into my hoodie pocket and pulled my dagger out. It still had the same symbol of Heka on it, which I wish I could get rid of. I drew the dagger from its sheath. However it was completely identical to the one in the book.

Emiko: "I-I have the Key, b-but, how is this the key? Where did it really come from?"

Connor: "No clue, Himari told me to give it to you"

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