Chapter 9: When Duellum Goes Wrong

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Thanks a lot, Connor! Way to ruin the surprise!!

So yeah, me and Siyuka have to battle in Duellum. As for how this happened... I'll take you through it.

After we'd all parted ways, I went to the school's shop, just to see if I could get some new clothes. The ones I was wearing were washed the previous night, however I needed a change. I couldn't wear these clothes forever.

I expected the shop to be this small little gift shop, with a bunch of cheap stuff. However this place was huge. When I walked inside, it looked like a very fancy Walmart, without all the weird people and outrageous prices. There were probably hundreds of isles in this place. As I walked around, I saw isles for armor, weapons, magic artifacts, cookies, I definitely like that last one.

I looked around for a bit until I found the clothes section. I went over to the girls side, and saw a bunch of really nice looking clothes. I wasn't one who would get excited about clothes shopping, but I had to admit, this is pretty cool. I inspected some of the clothes, and they were really well made. I had to know who made all of these. The god of clothes? Probably not something to think about.

As I was looking through them, I saw someone start to quickly run towards me, right out of the corner of my eye. I quickly turned and saw it was Himari. She stopped right before she ran into me.

Himari: "Oh, hey Emiko!"

Emiko: "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in class?"

Himari: "I'm skipping, there really is no penalty for skipping class"

Emiko: "Wow, that must be nice"

Himari: "Anyways, what are you up to?"

Emiko: "Just looking for some new clothes. I need a change of pace"

Himari: "No buying any pajamas"

Emiko: "Why?"

Himari: "Because then you can't wear the cute pajamas I have for you!"

Emiko: "I'm not wearing those again!"

Himari: "You're face is all red! How adorable!"

Emiko: "You little...."

Himari giggled.

Himari: "Just teasing~ What do you plan on getting?"

Emiko: "Something simple, maybe some training clothes"

Himari: "Get a tank top, they're nice and breathable"

I suddenly heard two sets of footsteps approach me and Himari. When I turned around, I saw the same two girls who me and Kaito freed from Siyuka's deal. They quickly stopped in front of me and started bowing. The girl with white hair started to speak.

Abby: "T-Thank you so much! W-We're forever in your debt!"

Emiko: "Don't thank me, Kaito's the one who—"

I was cut off when both of them took my hands.

Abby: "W-We haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Abby, and this is Breana"

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