S2 - Chapter 2: Waking Up

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W-What..... what is this....?

Darkness was all I could see around me. I couldn't move my body, I couldn't even breathe. I then realized I didn't even have a body. I was just a consciousness floating in an empty abyss.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of me. In that light was a girl with long black hair and dark, almost silver eyes. She was wearing a black shirt with a purple heart in the center. She wore a black skirt, as well as a black ring of some kind of black mist above her head. She looked into my eyes deeply, however I had no idea who this person was. It felt like I was supposed to remember, but I just couldn't.

She then spoke in a voice that sounded so familiar.

???: "Connor, please come home. I miss you"

Her eyes suddenly turned a bright yellow. The new yellow eyes looked scaly, almost like a serpent. Then, from behind her, a massive snake formed out of the darkness. I couldn't remember why, but for some reason, I wanted to kill that snake so badly. The snake slithered closer and closer until it was a few feet away from me. It then opened its giant mouth and swallowed me whole.

I awoke with a jolt, sitting right up. My head hurt and my vision was blurry. My body felt cold and weak, like I'd been lying here for days.

The second I sat up, I could hear a few gasps around me. All I could see was that I was wearing a white T-Shirt and dark blue jeans. There was also a small pendant around my neck. My vision slowly fixed itself, but I seriously wish it didn't. All around me, were a bunch of people wearing white lab coats. However, I could also tell they were wearing some kind of hazmat suit underneath.

The second my mind was able to process this, I started freaking out.

Connor: "W-What the?!?!"

I quickly got down off of the table I was on and limped towards the exit, somehow outrunning the people in lab coats. I left the room, which looking back on it, looked a lot like a surgery room. I ran down a large hallway, not taking any time to look back. Alarms were blaring loudly as flashing red lights filled the hallway. I saw a giant doorway, which I assumed was the exit. I sprinted towards it, hoping to escape from wherever I was. However the second I ran outside, I was instantly blinded by the sunlight.

When my eyes adjusted, I couldn't even believe what I was looking at. I felt like I was in a complete other world. I was in the middle of a giant plain, with cabins and old style buildings all over the place. Surrounding all of this, was one giant wall that had to be at least 100 feet high. The thing that disturbed me the most was the fact there was animals walking around, and the people didn't seem to care. Everyone around was either wearing armor or had weapons on them, like spears and swords. However the second the people around saw me, everyone froze and stared at me.

Suddenly, I felt something grab me from behind and slam me into the ground. I felt someone pin me down, and no matter how much I struggled, I couldn't get free.

Connor: "Let go of me!!!"

I heard the voice of whoever was pinning me down.

???: "I need you to calm down"

Connor: "I'm not going to f*cking calm down!! I don't know where I am!! I don't even know who the hell I am!!!!"

???: "If you don't calm down, I'll have to knock you out!"

I felt rage surge through my entire body.

Connor: "I SAID LET GO!!!!!!!!"

A giant shockwave of some kind of red energy exploded from my body, sending the person on top of me flying back.

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