Chapter 18: Power Up

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Oh hell yeah!!

Talk about a power up!!

My body was engulfed in the blood red aura, which Apophis gave me when he possessed me, before the aura condensed into my sword's blade. My body felt full of energy, and I felt like I could run a marathon no sweat.

Driam got off of the ground, staring at me with confusion.

Driam: "I recognize that energy... Apophis! Why are you helping your enemies!!!"

I smiled smugly.

Connor: "No Apophis, just a boy who's about to kick some ass"

I swung my sword towards Driam. The second I did, a wave of the red energy shot out of my blade. As it flew through the air, it sharpened. Driam used the blood on the ground and thrusted his hands upwards. The blood rose from the ground and hardened into a literal blood wall. The second my attack hit the wall, it shattered like glass. It went right through and continued its path towards Driam. Driam managed to roll out of the way.

Connor: "That was freaking awesome!!"

Driam: "Y-You're using Apophis' power! He's helping you!! He betrayed me!!!!!"

He slammed his fist into the ground. Suddenly, blood started to seep through the ground, almost like it had been stored there. I felt a little nauseous, but I managed to keep myself calm.

After a few seconds, the blood gathered around Driam. There had to be at least 500 gallons of blood surrounding him. My excitement quickly turned into rage.

Connor: "H-How many people have you killed!?!"

Driam's face was completely distorted.

Driam: "There's been so many screams and cries, I've lost count!"

He started laughing maniacally. He thrusted his hand towards me, and a stream of blood shot right at me. I swung my sword downwards, cutting the stream in two. I turned around and saw it coming at me from behind. I quickly jumped out of the way, making the blood hit the ground.

I was in mid jump when I saw another stream shooting right at me. I wasn't able to dodge, and I didn't have enough time to swing my sword.

Suddenly, Kaito appeared in front of me. He swung his giant sword, cutting right through the blood stream.

Connor: "Took you guys long enough"

Kaito: "Hey man, you're the one who wanted to do this alone"

The others ran up to us, even Idril, who seemed to be doing a little better. Some of her bruises were fading away.

Connor: "You should go rest"

Idril looked into my eyes with determination.

Idril: "N-No! I want to help you fight. I won't sit here and do nothing while you're all risking your lives"

I smiled at her.

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