Hayley G Hoover- My New Hero. ((and I'm extremely jealous of her.))

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Hayley G Hoover is Brilliant.


if you wern't aware.

She is my hero.  She just sits around and spews brilliance.

Like in her book,

"Your parents are Liars." by HayleyGHoover

"This is Johnny. Johnny is six years old. He enjoys baseball, videogames, and making loud noises while his mother is on the phone.

Johnny is also a Ginger.

One day, Johnny saw something strange on daytime women's television. "Why are those people naked?" he asked in an inexplicable Brittish accent. "Hmm? wha, honey?" replied Johnny's mother, as she had been drinking red wine and crying as quietly as she could.

"Why are people always naked?" Johnny asked, tearfully. "Why are they barking and grunting and why won't people explain it to me?!?"

"Oh, they're dancing," Said Johnny's mother. "Also, babies come from storks and your father is proud of you and your hamster is on a happy hamster farm." She smiled.

"And your big sister just collects one dollar bills."

"I get it now!" exclaimed a joyous Johnny. "Everything makes so much sense! Thank you, Mother!" And Johnny lived hapilly ever after, never inquiring about anything else, ever.

...until he was twelve and someone on  the school bus told him about internet porn. It's pretty much been downhill from there."

Do you see why she is my hero? This chick flippin' rocks! >.<

Why am I jealous of her?


Go look up "Hayley G Hoover" by Charlie McDonnell. Good song.

Also, there's a link off to the side to a song entitled "Hey Hayley." Watch that.

I mean, sure, they origional to the song off to the side there was "Hey Molly" and the dude just changed the name....

but I quite enjoy the "Hey Hayley" version myself. I bet you can guess why. :)

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