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Religion. A reason to beat each other like stepchildren in K-mart? I think not.

1. Do not take offense to the first sentence. Just don't. I am a stepchild. I enjoy K-mart as much as the next guy. It's a saying.

2. Back to the topic at hand: Religion.

Alright kids. Religions are a very important part of human society. Something one believes in and follows devotedly.

Some people are religious in that they believe in a god or several gods. Some people are religious in that they DON'T believe in a god. Some people are religious in their smoking and drinking habits. Some people are religious in their studies.

Everybody is religious in some way or another.

I, personally, believe that Jesus died on the cross to save the gentiles of the world.

That is my religion. I'm not Baptist or Catholic or Presbyterian or Methodist or Lutheran or whatever else there is in Christianity.

I am also religious in that I believe that pirates and ninjas can live together peacefully.

With that being said, I'm not here to shove my beliefs down your throat.

I am actually here to try and stop that very thing.

According to the United States Constitution, the First Amendment says that we have freedom of speech. I'm using my freedom of speech discussing this with you. I used my freedom of speech sharing my religion. You can use your freedom of speech to share YOUR religion. But when you share, kids, remember that you are sharing YOUR religion! Everybody believes in a different thing. Sure, if the person you are talking to ASKS you to convert them, by all means go for it. But if you are shoving your beliefs down somebodies throat, you aren't helping anybody.

Using my own saying:

Maybe they don't like grapes. Let them eat their raisins in peace.

What does that mean? Well, I wrote a rambling on it. In case you missed it though, it basically means that everybody is different, and don't judge people because they aren't exactly like you.

I'm very interested in all the different religions of the world, it's very interesting. (Hence, my being interested.)

It's intriguing to see what people believe in and why they believe so strongly in that topic.

When I say, "Stop shoving your religion down people's throats." It sounds a whole lot like I'm talking to the Christians of the world.

And I am, to an extent.

One of my favorite quotes is, "God wants spiritual fruit not religious nuts."

"Religious nuts" annoy the crap out of me.

I'm also talking to the Atheists of the world. (Don't worry all you Muslims, Shintos, Buddhists, Jews, and others. I appreciate you too. I just don't really ever see ya'll shoving your religion down our throats as much as us Christians and Atheists.)

Atheists, my darlings, you shove your religion down everybody else's throat too. (I'm using that term allot, I'll try to stop.)

I've heard that I'm crazy, irrational, and a whole bunch of other crap. Atheists try to convert people to Atheism as much as Christians try to convert people to Christianity.

Like I have a conversation I have with my friend Jack on a regular basis,

"You can't prove that God exists."

"You can't prove He doesn't."

And then we let ourselves eat our raisins in peace. Because guess what? We're both right.

I'm not saying to not share your beliefs. By all means, go right on ahead. I share my beliefs all the time.

Just don't go (sorry, I have to use it again) shoving your beliefs down people's throats.

Thank You =]

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