Chapter 24

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"I'm still upset that Bobby took my music." Luke says as we gathered around Julie's laptop. Luke has been trying to show us songs all morning, but Julie came to a conclusion that most of them had already been made. She even proved it. "My name is Luke!" He sighs frustrated and I rub his shoulder a bit to calm him down. Julie looks at him and frowns.

"I've got to give him a piece of my mind." Luke says, reaching for his jacket. I grab it immediately and look at him. "No. He just found out you guys were alive again. Arguing with him isn't going to help anything." I say, making him give me a look of defeat. He knew I was right and I knew he was mad. Fighting isn't going to solve anything though.

"Why don't we just meet up with him and ask him what his deal is?" Alex asks and looks over from his spot on the couch. Luke rolls his eyes. "Of course you guys want to be rational. I worked hard on those songs. He stole them from me." He says, snatching his coat from my hands and storming outside. Reggie looks up slowly from the computer.

"Luke did work hard on them.." He says quietly and I sigh softly. "I know Reg, I know.."

Luke hadn't returned all day. My worry was only getting stronger as he didn't even bother to text or call. "He didn't go to Bobby's house." Alex says as him and Reggie return. Julie sent them over there to look for him incase things got out of hand. "It's okay. I think I know where he went." I grab my bag and stand up, walking out of the studio.

The walk to the beach wasn't long as the breeze picked up a bit. There, sitting calmly in the sand, was Luke. He quietly sang along to the tune as he strummed his guitar. His hazel eyes peered into the ocean. He didn't seem as frustrated but I could tell he was still upset. I quietly move to sit next to him. He doesn't say anything as he continues to strum a few chords over and over. "I know it sucks." I say softly. His fingers linger over the strings for a second before he slowly moves to set the guitar down.

"It does. When you've literally poured your heart and soul into songs. When you dream of performing in front of people who just love your music and want to vibe with you. That was taken away from me." He looks over at me. I nod a little and listen to him.

"I wrote those songs in hopes that I could make my mom proud. Yeah, some of them I wasn't proud of. My name is Luke was kinda dumb but I still had inspiration to write it. What am I supposed to do now?" He asks quietly making me frown a bit.

"You have a great band, Luke. You have amazing friends and you're back with your family. Him stealing your songs isn't the end of it." I say, moving closer to him to try to stay warm. He notices and slips off his jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders. "You didn't have to do that.." I say but he shakes his head.

"Yeah. He stole your songs, but you're such a talented song writer. You're going to write so much more better songs." He looks at me when I say that. He seems tired, especially since he's been stressing about this all day. "We're going to make music. We're going to make memories." I say, moving my hand to take his. He looks at our hands for a moment and intertwines our fingers.

"He also got money and credit for all of those songs." He mumbles and sighs softly. "And you're going to get the credit you deserve when you perform your other amazing songs. Forget Bobby. He clearly doesn't have the talent you have." I tell him. He nods a little and leans his head on my shoulder. I lean my head on top of his and watch the waves crash over one another.

"Y/n.. I'm really glad I met you." He says softly. I smile and turn to kiss the top of his head gently. "I'm really glad I met you too Luke.."

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