Chapter 18

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"Honey, are you sure you're not hungry..?" My grandad asks for what feels like the fifth time today. It's been a week. I haven't left my room. Only to shower of course but I return right back to it. My grandparents are extremely worried. I've been getting school work from Flynn because I refuse to talk to Julie right now. She hasn't texted me anyways. I guess she truly doesn't care that she just broke her best friends heart. Luke has called me multiple times, left flowers on our porch, texting me more times than I can count, and has even asked to speak to me. I've told them no.

"I'm positive." I say, looking back out my window again. My grandad sighs and closes my door softly. I hear the sounds of his footsteps going back downstairs. My phone buzzes and I pick it up to check who it is. If it was Luke, I wasn't going to respond. It wasn't Luke. It was Josh. He was asking if I was okay and if he could come over to talk. Out of the pettiness I was feeling, I said yes. Luke would probably be fuming if he knew I was hanging out with Josh. That's why I felt like I had to.

Luke's POV

I hadn't seen Y/n in a week. That sucked. She was my best friend and probably the best girlfriend I could ask for. I was mad at Julie until she sat me down to talk.

"Luke that wasn't me. You have to believe me. Caleb was here, he came by the studio and possessed me. Y/n is in a lot of danger as I don't know who he's possessed next." Julie says seriously making my heart beat faster. Y/n was in danger and I had no idea what to do about it. She was mad and wouldn't listen to me anyways. Reggie and Alex were mad at us too until we explained what happened.

"We have to help her. We can't just sit here and let Caleb get to her before us." Reggie says with concern in his voice. He cared about her a lot. She was basically his sister now. "Unless he's already gotten to her.." Julie says showing us her phone. Y/n and Josh were together. I felt myself becoming angry the longer I look at the picture of them. Who does that guy think he is? Going to see my girlfriend?

"Wait. His eyes aren't blue." Alex points out. He was right, Josh's eyes were brown. Caleb's eyes were blue. "I really hope Y/n noticed that." I say, needing her to in this moment. I couldn't stand the fact that Caleb was with her. Two people I dislike. Caleb and Josh. I grab my stuff and walk over to the door. "We can't just go fighting our way in with no plan." Alex says shaking his head at Luke. He sighs and looks at his friends. "Help me think of a plan then. I need her back."

Y/n's POV

I post the selfie and feel pretty proud of myself. Hopefully Julie or Luke would see it before I delete it later. "Mind if I get some water?" Josh asks. I stand up and walk downstairs to the kitchen, grabbing a glass. I see a few notifications on the picture and stop to look at it. Wait. Josh's eyes aren't blue. I zoom in on the picture a little. "You alright?" Josh asks from beside me, scaring me slightly. "I uh.. yeah. Just checking on something." I say nervously giving him a smile to reassure him. His eyes did change colors as I see them in person. This wasn't Josh. He reaches out to take the glass from me and that's when I feel a jolt go through my whole body. It was painful enough to knock me to my knees. Josh falls to the ground next to me as Caleb appears in the middle of the kitchen. "That was fun." He chuckles and fixes his suit. I was confused and in pain as he steps around Josh to look around my kitchen.

"Are you okay..?" I whisper to him. He seems disoriented and confused. Josh slowly comes back to reality and looks at me. "Y/n.. how did I get here?" He asks quietly. Caleb was incredibly good at possession it seemed like. I started to think. What if that wasn't Julie? I feel another jolt through my entire body and squeeze my eyes shut. It was more painful than a broken bone. It felt like a thousand bolts of electricity were running through me. This is what the boys felt. My breathing becomes heavy and shaky as the pain was a lot to bear. My thoughts started to jump to conclusions. Where were my grandparents right now? Did he do something to them? Where was Luke? Was he okay?

"I'm at least giving you options. You can cease to exist anymore because the jolts will become way more painful. You'll end up as nothing. Or you can go ahead and give me your soul. That way I can have the boys souls too." He explains but I was barely listening to him. My mind was too focused on everyone else. I needed to make sure everyone else was okay. Another jolt makes me yell out a little in pain, Josh looking at me concerned. "I'm not going anywhere.. without talking to Luke first." I say and slowly move to stand up. Caleb nods his head. "Very well. Get him over here." He crosses his arms as I walk upstairs to grab my phone. Luke has called me multiple times again. I think he knew that Josh wasn't actually Josh. I call him back.

"Y/n?" He asks once he picks up. "Hi Luke.." I say quietly, the pain still tingling through me. "Oh thank gosh. Are you okay?" He asks with worry in his voice. I sniffle softly and he knows I'm not okay. "Luke, I don't think I'm going to make this one. Caleb is too powerful. I think he's got me this time." I say and close my eyes, leaning my head on my bed. "Don't say that. You're powerful too. I'm coming over right now. Just stay right where you are." Luke says. I nod a little and feel another jolt through me. Wincing in pain, Luke notices.

"What has he done to you?" He asks and I can tell he's getting angry. "Jolts.." Is all I say. He hangs up the phone.

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