Chapter 13

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A/n: Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you guys had an amazing day and got to spend as much time with family. I took a small break to spend time with them and kind of relax for Christmas break.


"Merry Christmas!" Reggie says excitedly, jumping onto my bed. I mumble into my pillow and roll over to nuzzle into Luke. Alex huffs and rolls his eyes. "I swear if you two don't get up." He stomps over and grabs Luke's ankle, pulling him as hard as he can (with the help of Reggie and Julie) to make him fall on the floor. "OW!" Luke yells as soon as I hear a thud. I shake my head at my friends and sit up to stretch. "It's time for presents!" Reggie takes my hand and easily pulls me to stand up. I smile at him and nod before going over to help Luke up. "You okay babe?" I ask laughing softly. He nods and glares at Alex. I smile and take his hand, walking to the living room. There was a beautiful decorated Christmas tree that stood in the corner that usually stayed up all year since they didn't come here until Christmas. A few presents that we put down laid under it. I had gotten Reggie an gift card to his favorite unlimited pizza buffet as well as a few t-shirts and a new pair of black ripped jeans. Alex didn't ask for anything but I still got him something. I got him a pink Nike hoodie to upgrade from his old one and a fanny pack full of some nail polishes for him to test. 

"Okay, mine first." I say, walking over to grab a little gift box. I walk over to Luke and hand it to him. "Babe.." He smiles at me and takes the box. His cheeks turn a slight pink and I realized he hadn't had a happy Christmas in longer than twenty-five years. Reggie's favorite holiday was Christmas because it was a time where nothing but joy was spread. He was never told stories of Santa Claus but as a child, he believed in him. His parents too busy fighting over what bills or what responsibility the other was ignoring. His first bass wasn't even gifted by them, it was from Bobby. Alex had happy Christmases before he came out. He used to get jealous when he'd see his girl cousins opening packages that had cute sweaters in it while he was getting toy trucks and cars. After he came out, his cousins looked at him weirdly. His parents refused to speak about it in front of his aunts and uncles. He felt like an outcast. A black sheep in his own family when he used to be their light. Luke on the other hand, spent his Christmases locked in his room or his studio writing songs. His parents would leave to go away to his grandparents as he'd just finish getting in a fight with his mom. He would sneak down and see the nicely wrapped presents under the tree. Nothing he'd asked for as he never really wanted anything beside stuff for the band (which his mom hated). There would be t-shirts he'd end up cutting the sleeves off of. A few nights before Christmas Eve, he would sneak out to go see Christmas lights strung from his neighbors porch. He'd find himself upset as he usually did on anything important. It wasn't that his family didn't try to be happy. It's just they made it difficult for him himself to be happy. His dad enjoyed the music he wrote but didn't like him going to perform gigs or staying out late with his friends, especially since his grades slipped a lot. 

"You didn't have to get me anything." Luke says, there was a smile on his face but the humbleness in his voice made me believe he wasn't used to receiving gifts. "I wanted to." I smile and sit back beside him to watch him open it. He carefully tears off the wrapping paper and sets it beside him to be sure he doesn't make a mess. Luke analyzes the box before opening it. There was a simple charm bracelet inside, but the charm on it is what made it special. There was a adorable little golden guitar charm. "You can add however many charms you want, but I thought that would be a perfect start." I tell him and he nods, holding it out for me. "I love it, princess. Mind putting it on me?" He asks. I smile and place it on his wrist. He takes a second to admire it before walking to grab my present from him. He holds it out for me (clearly been wrapped by Alex) and sits back down. "You didn't have to get me anything either." I say to him making him shake his head at me. I smile and tear off the paper, seeing it's also a jewelry box. This one was smaller. Clearly meant to be for a ring. We both seemed to have similar ideas this year. Great minds think alike. I slowly open the box. The ring was silver with a diamond in the middle. Engraved beside it on either side in a beautiful font was 'Luke' and 'Y'n'. 

"Look on the inside of the band." He says smiling at me. I smile more and turn it slightly to look at the band. Engraved inside was 'I love you'. It was beautiful. "I love it Luke, but I already have a promise ring from you?" I say looking up at him. "Well, after graduation.. that ring is going to be called an engagement ring." He says, my eyes widening a little. "This is my engagement ring?" I ask, my heart racing a bit. Luke and I talked about the idea of marriage. The idea of staying together forever. We both knew it was going to happen. "It is." He grins at me. I smile and quickly grab his face to kiss his cheek. He slips the ring onto my finger which makes me smile more. "Look up and tell me what you see.." Luke says. I look up and giggle softly. "Reggie's hand holding a mistletoe." I say before looking back at Luke. Reggie grins at us before running back over to Flynn. "I guess that means.." Luke looks at me. "We can't break tradition.." I smile before leaning in to kiss him softly, our friends cheering and laughing. 

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