Chapter 8️⃣

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Today Kashima was trying to run away but hori threw his bag at Kashima she saw that little manga and started reading through it and bought one of her own she kept wondering why hori didn't love her and thought maybe he wants to be the Heroine hori is always lovely when acting.

We had decided in our cast list and I was a princess while Kashima was the prince. Kashima said she wants hori to be the princess so I stand up and say in a sweet tone silly Kashima I'm the Princess and I don't think that's what hori wants.

When we were at nozaki's house hori told us that he thinks Kashima hates him because she won't stop harassing him. He told us what she kept doing like putting girly things together. U didn't go to nozaki's the next day because of the glee club and then drama club.

The next day I was walking around when I saw nozaki I started blushing like crazy but then I saw Chiyo for some reason I felt jealous.

I Chiyo and hori were at nozaki's again me and hori were staying the night Chiyo left to go home me and the guys did work.

We were in the drama club room when we were acting Kashima was trying to embarrass hori when he took him to the nurse's office.

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