Chapter 6️⃣

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While nozaki was working at his desk I and Chiyo are doing our jobs her doing the baita and me doing the personal design. I and nozaki were talking and he said that his friend Wakamatsu loves seos singing and I told him that seo heals people. Chiyo walked up and agreed with me but we all knew she killed it at basketball well killed it and the players. She always went straight for Wakamatsu me and Chiyo said hello to seo and she showed us a note that she got from a boy IM SO HAPPY she is supposed to meet him on the roof of the school. Wakamatsu was trying to be mean but he's just too pure for that like honestly I think he likes her at this point not hate her.

The next day I got an SOS from nozaki so I rushed to his house with ink snacks and medicine I ran into his house and saw everyone else with only ink. Thank gosh I brought snacks and medicine Wakamatsu seo and hori and Chiyo helped with his manga while I nursed him I made him soup and gave him medicine while constantly changing the towels on his head. As he was sleeping I heard him say my name y....y/....y/n.

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