Chapter 20:

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Emma opened the restaurant door and walked over to her family at the table. Regina spoke to her parents while being careful that no one overheard, and when Emma moved closer to her parents, Hook and Robin, Regina fell silent.
"What is happening?"
Henry glared at his mother and walked over to her.
"I wanted to leave this town, mom! You shouldn't have done that!"
He walked out of the restaurant and slammed the door shut under Emma's puzzled gaze.
"Emma, ​​why didn't you tell us?" her mother asked, disappointed.
The Savior was about to say something, but her mother got ahead of her.
"Why didn't you tell us it was you who broke the vials?"
The Savior said nothing and left the restaurant as quickly as possible.
"Swan!" cried Hook.
He followed her immediately and Emma hurried over to Henry.
"Henry, I'm sorry!"
His son was tapping on his phone screen and when he saw his mother he walked away.
"Henry, please!"
Emma caught up with the boy and sighed.
"I'm sorry."
"It's your fault... I wanted to leave this town, mom!" Henry exclaimed.
"I know, I know... I should have told the truth. The problem is, I don't want to leave. Do you understand? This city is our home! When you were a child, you kept saying it! That's why you brought me back to Storybrooke," Emma said.
"I'm not a child anymore. I brought you back to this town so you can restore everyone's happy endings.  All that's missing is mine. Restore my happy ending by bringing me to New York."
Emma sighed again.
"You know very well that I cannot... it is impossible to go out."
His mother took his arm, but Henry freed himself and ran away.
"Henry, please!"
She sighed and was about to follow him when Hook came up to her and took her arm.
"Swan, leave him. He needs time."
"I just wanted..." whispered Emma.
She turned to Hook.
"I don't understand his behavior. He's changed," Emma continued.
"I would like to ask you a question," her boyfriend informed.
"I don't want to talk about it..." Emma sighed.
"Swan, you destroyed the vials, right?"
"Regina must have explained everything to you... there's no point in repeating it," Emma replied.
Killian gave him a look.
"Yes, it's me," Emma said.
"You should not have! I don't want to lose you. You have to get safe," Killian said.
"And I don't want to lose you, too."
Emma stared at Killian's eyes then lowered them to stare at her feet.
"If I left... I wouldn't have seen you anymore but I would always have remembered you. It would have been too painful. You wouldn't have been by my side. I... don't want to leave and I don't want to lose you. Do you understand, Killian?"
The pirate smiles.
"I understand you. I'm sorry, it's just that I'm worried lately. I promise I will try to find the sanctuary of Magicae by any means," he said.
"Thank you. I have to find Henry. I'm afraid he'll try to leave Storybrooke some other way," Emma said.
"He can't leave town, we all know that."
"So he might try to get out of Storybrooke by some other form of transportation, where there is no limit," Emma continued.
"By sea," Killian said.
"Which means he's going to try to leave town..."
"By boat," Hook finished.
The couple stared at each other, terrified.

{ In the Gold store }

Gold took the dagger out of his safe before seeing with fear that the charm had stopped working.
He bumped against the counter and tripped just before Isaac caught up with him. But Gold abruptly freed himself and caught up with the wooden rectangle.
"What's wrong?" asked Isaac.
"The charm has stopped working. We are lucky, since tomorrow will be a good day. I will be saved soon," Gold replied.
"Perfect. As the Apprentice said, we will win," said Isaac.
"Yes indeed."
Isaac and Gold entered the back room to take a look at the Apprentice.
Suddenly the door swung open and a familiar figure entered the store.
It was Belle. Gold got scared and ordered Isaac out of the room.
"Rumple, I'm back!"
Gold came out of the back room and walked over to Belle, who threw herself into his arms, happy.
"I missed you. What were you doing in the back room?"
Meanwhile, Isaac gagged the Apprentice to prevent Gold from being discovered and left the store through the second door. He walked over to the library as quickly as possible.
"Nothing important," Gold replied, gently pushing his wife away.
After a pause, the man asked:
"What are you doing here? Didn't the honeymoon last longer?"
Belle smiles.
"Yes, of course it is! Venice is truly magnificent.  But... I had to come back, I had a hunch," Belle replied.
"An intuition?"
"I missed you, Rumple! We should have gone in pairs. It was a fantastic trip but without you, let's say, it was less fun," his wife explained.
Gold smiles.
"I missed you too."
"What happened while I was gone?"
"Not much," Rumple lied.
The couple kissed.

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