Chapter 5:

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In a room in his castle, Rumplestiltskin was turning the pages of a rectangular book, lying on a wooden table.
"I have to change the course of history..." he whispered.
He picked up a quill, similar to the author's, and as he put the mine down on the page, his hand trembled and the quill slipped out of it to land on the floor with a thud.
"It has to work."
Rumple picked up the quill and tried to write on the sheet again, but the book snapped shut and the quill disappeared from his hand.
"No!" cried the man.
Suddenly the door opened to a sleeping Belle.
"Rumple... it's still early... what are you doing here at this hour?" Belle asked.
"Nothing, my dear," replied the man.
He walked around the table and took the hands of his beloved.
"Everything is fine. Go back to bed, I'll join you afterwards," Rumplestiltskin added.
So Belle nodded and walked out of the room, back to her bedroom. The Dark One, feeling the anger rising in him, knocked down a cupboard filled with flasks which shattered into a thousand pieces on the floor and hit a stool.
"Rumple, what's going on?" Belle asked, worried having heard the din.
"Nothing, darling," the man repeated.
And the Dark One walked out of the room, slamming the door very sharply.
Suddenly, the book on the table opened and stopped on a page; Regina was going to have Robin, her slave executed...

{ In the courtyard of the Evil Queen's castle }
A stake was set up and several villagers gathered, eager to see the spectacle before them.
Guards crept through the crowd, followed by Robin.  The poor slave was in chains and his face was dirty, having performed several chores by order of the Evil Queen.
"To death! To death!"cried the crowd.
The villagers stared at the man in disgust, eager to see this slave disappear before their eyes.
The Evil Queen appeared at the stake, wearing a very imposing robe.
"Hello my dear subjects! Dawn is just beginning to break... it's time! Now is the time to see this man pay for what he did, for what he dared to steal from me!" Regina cried.
The cries of the villagers rang out and the guards began to tie Robin to the stake.
"This man dared to steal from me the only solution to put Snow White, our enemy of all... out of harm's way!"
The crowd screamed in amazement.
"He dared to steal a vial from me containing a very powerful poison that no one can counter... a poison to kill Snow White!" Regina cried.
The guards moved away after they tied the prisoner to the stake.
"To death! To death! To death!"
The Queen smiled, prepared a fireball in her right hand, and threw it towards the wood. Suddenly flames appeared, flickering.
Robin let out a cry of pain as the flames burned him under the cries of joy from the villagers.
And Regina left the yard, with no regrets.

{ In the home of the Dark and Belle }

In the basement, Emma sighed again. Fear, sadness and worry had taken place in his heart.
All of her friends were out of reach... she couldn't get away unless she tried to destroy the door with her magic...
So Emma stood up, got as close to the door as her chains allowed, and concentrated with all her energy to break it. But nothing happened. No magic left the hands of the young woman.
"What? But why... ?"
But the Savior could not question herself any more because a galloping noise echoed outside and she went to look through the only window that there was.
The horses stopped in front of his sight when suddenly two armed and masked men came out from one side of the forest holding a man with a long black tunic and a glittering hook.
"Killian..." Emma whispered.
Emma immediately recognized her boyfriend despite the distance between the forest and the castle.
"Hey! Help me! Killian! Killian! Help me please!"
The Savior began to cry out, hoping to attract attention for a chance to be delivered and saved from the Dark One. In vain. The masked men did not hear and Killian did not respond to the call of his first name...
The Savior screamed again when she saw Hook being taken away in the horse-drawn carriage.
"Killian! Killian! Help me! Help me..."
The horses thudded off and Emma sighed in despair.

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