Chapter 3:

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Regina was pacing her office, anger rising in her. She took a glass from the table and threw it at the wall, which exploded into a thousand pieces.

The young woman went to throw another when Robin entered the room, worried.

"Regina! I was looking for you everywhere, you... are you okay?" he asked.

"No ! We don't know what Gold wants to do and we have to stop it, the perpetrator is nowhere, I worry about Henry... and his life is on the line! We must find another remedy and..." replied the Evil Queen.

And the mayor threw the glass against the wall.

"It annoys me!" finished the young woman.

"Shhh... calm down. You won't be able to solve problems by getting angry like this," Robin whispered.

The hunter shook his hands.

"Come on, your friends are waiting for you."

Regina nodded and kissed her boyfriend.

{ At Mary-Margaret and David }

Emma, ​​Hook, Mary-Margaret, David, Robin and Regina stood in front of the book on the table. The Evil Queen looked at the pages one by one.

"The author has been released, you said it yourself so why are you having fun turning the pages? Hook asked, puzzled.

Emma was against her boyfriend, her head resting on his chest.

"Maybe we can find something that can help us," the Savior replied.

"That's right, and I think I found it," Regina whispered, smiling.

His friends leaned close to the mayor and saw that a page had been torn off.

"Interesting... a page ripped off," David whispered.

"It's not just a page ripped off. That's a clue of what Rumplestiltskin wants to do, I'm sure," Regina said.

"Okay... but what does Gold want to do?" asked Mary-Margaret.

Regina then read the next page and stared at her friends worriedly.

"The page is about, when you and Henry, Emma, ​​you talk about fairytale stories and that's where Henry shows a drawing of the Savior and that's that page that got ripped out, if I got it..." she informed them.

"What? But... why would Gold have taken a page with the drawing of the Savior?" Robin asked, puzzled.

"For his project. What Gold is going to do concerns me, I am one of his ingredients to help him recover his magic," Emma replied.

"I'm sorry, Emma, ​​but... I'm afraid you're right," the mayor sighed.

"The Crocodile might have to kill someone to get its magic back and you seriously think that... it is you who... could be killed?" asked Hook.

"No, well... I don't know but he took a page with a drawing of me. If he doesn't want me dead, if he doesn't want to accomplish his plan, why would he take it?" asked her friend.

No one answered.

"Well, we need to know more about this," Regina said.

The young woman got up and took the book.

"Mary-Margaret, David and I are going to the library. We will try to find information."

"I'll go take care of Roland, I'll leave you if you don't mind," Robin informed them.

The hunter kissed Regina and opened the door.

"See you later, honey," he hastened to add.

And Robin walked out of the house while Hook raised an eyebrow, casting a questioning expression.

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