Chapter 2:

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The town of Storybrooke was empty except for a few locals walking around, smiling. Seeing their joy and good humor, no one could suspect that something was going on in Gold's shop...

The man had hidden Henry's book from all eyes and he was showing his dagger to Isaac, asking him for information.

"You can help me, I know so tell me why my power is slowly disappearing and what should I do, please," ordered Rumple.

Isaac laughs.

"You really are not informed, Dark One. Your power is slowly disappearing because it is soon the end..."

The Dark One cut him off.

"The end? About what?"

"The end of your story, come on! The end of the Dark One..." replied the author.

"I don't understand... the end of my story? My life is not a story, there is not and there will never be an end to my story," Gold explained.

"That's right. Your power is gradually disappearing because it's soon the end of your story, as Dark One, you see?" Isaac continued.


The Dark One stared at his dagger, puzzled.

"My dear Rumplestiltskin, how long have you been the Dark One?" his friend asked.

"I don't know... it's been over a hundred years, I think? I became the Dark One when I had Bae, until I was in Storybrooke, until now..." Gold replied.

"You've been the Dark One for a thousand years," the man corrected.

"Where are you going with this?"

"Your reign as Dark One is ending soon... you must give way to a new soul. It's over for you," Isaac explained.

He pointed to the dagger.

"Your power is disappearing, Dark One. I'm sorry for you," sighed the author.

"Surely there is a way, right? I must remain the Dark One, I cannot become the man I was again, that's out of the question!" cried Rumple.

"There may be a solution but it is very... how to put it... complicated?"

{ At Regina }

Regina stared at her son, sadness on her face. She put her lips on Henry's forehead but nothing happened.

"Wake up... please..." she whispered.

Tears beaded at the corners of his eyes.

"You're going to see Rumplestiltskin... you're going to see..."

The mayor rose from his chair and walked out of his house.

{ At Mary-Margaret and David }

Emma walked down the stairs and sat down on the couch next to Hook. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yes and you?"

Hook smiled at her and began to kiss her.

"It's okay, very well," answered the young woman between two kisses.

The couple kissed and Emma took off Killian's leather jacket. The man stroked his girlfriend's hair with his hook when Mary-Margaret entered the apartment.

"It's me!" cried Emma's mother, smiling.

Mary-Margaret stopped, embarrassed, seeing the two people.

"Oh... you have..."

"No!" Emma cried.

She in turn smiled, embarrassed, and took Killian's hand seeing her disappointment.

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