Chapter 1:

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Hook and Emma stared at the landscape in front of them, sitting on a bench. They were near the port.

"The sunrise is always so beautiful," the man said.


"What? What's going on, my love?" asked Hook.

"I'm not sure... I have a bad feeling..." Emma replied, hugging her red jacket.

"About what?"

"About... I have the impression that a dark cloud is hovering over us. I have a feeling that something is going on but I don't know what," the young woman continued.

The pirate laughs.

"You're just being paranoid, Swan," he replied.

He pulled a lock of his friend's hair from behind her ear and they continued to look at the scenery but Killian couldn't help thinking of Emma's remark.

He thought maybe she wasn't wrong after all...

Something was going on, it was obvious, but what?

{ In the Gold store }

Gold took the dagger out of his safe and put it on the counter. The long black streaks that decorated it had half disappeared.

"It's not possible..." whispered the man.

Immediately he ran his hand over a glass vial, focused all his energy but nothing happened. The glass did not explode into a thousand pieces, as the man knew so well.

"What is happening?"

Gold tried again and there he succeeded. The pieces of glass fell to the floor with a thud.

He sighed in relief and took his dagger and stroked it with his fingertips.

"I thought I lost you, my power... but that doesn't explain why the dagger is in this state," the Dark One whispered.

So Gold put it on the counter again and he made the pieces of glass fly in the air to reconstitute the vial but the few pieces stuck in his hand and he let out a cry of pain.

The man slammed into the wall and Gold looked at his hand, shaking. The pieces were deeply embedded in his flesh and blood was flowing from his wound.

He tried to remove them with his magic but nothing happened so he took a protruding end from his palm and pulled despite the pain in his hand. He removed it but blood flowed so the Dark One took a rag from a little further away and patted the wound with it.

Gold closed his eyes and tried to remove the pieces once again and as if by magic, they flew through the air and the wound closed. There was no more trace.

The man straightened up and went to put the dagger back in his safe when a crack was heard; the wound had opened.

Blood flowed profusely and Rumple pressed a rag to the wound, an expression of pain on his face.

"I need to find someone who can clarify this for me..."

Gold pulled a book from a shelf and opened it to the second page.

"Now I have to find him," he whispered.

{ At Mary-Margaret and David }

Mary-Margaret prepared the meal while David put the plates on the table.

"Do I put one on for the pirate? He's coming to eat?" her husband asked.

"Honey... you can call him Killian or Hook, you know! He's part of the family now. I don't know if he's coming to eat, we'll ask Emma."

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