Party Favours

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The five friends are walking to class and Jay is flirting with the girls in front of Rain, who seems to be in a world of her own.

"Why do you torture them? Just pick someone to take to Cotillion already," Carlos sighs as he looks at his friend

"Please," Rain begs "I can't handle another girl bombarding me in the toilet about you,"

"Neither can I," Mal groans

"Well, I do apologise," Jay puts on a fake, formal voice as he looks to Rain "But, I'm going solo. That way, I can dance with all of them,"

"Oh jeez..." Doug mutters

"That's...not good," Rain shakes her head, adjusting her backpack on her right shoulder

"Ah! You're the expert..." Carlos mutters

"Rude," Rain looks to her friend who smirks slightly

"Excuse me, I'm the only one here with a boyfriend,"

"Yeah but...It wasn't exactly the traditional way of asking someone out,"

"Hm.." Rain winces slightly, "Not one of my best moments,"

"You mean, putting a love spell on me?" Ben says, but it's clear he's joking as a teasing smile is on his face

"Like I said, not one of my best moments," Rain smiles and presses a soft kiss to her boyfriend's lips.

"Um, Jay... "Carlos asks "if you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?"

Jay grabs Carlos' shoulder, as if giving him proper advice "Listen, all you got to do... is look like me." Rain laughs and Carlos glares at her

"Sorry...Mr 'traditional way'," she teases as Jane walks up to the group.

Many smile at the teasing, it was nice to see that even though Rain seemed to have changed, she was still happy teasing her friends and enjoying herself.


"I'm here!" Jane says happily

"Hey Jane,'' Carlos greets happily and Rain smiles as she realises something.

Rain and Ben give each other a look. Carlos had a crush on Jane.

"I was wondering...uh... if you liked the.... carrot cake last night,"

"I had the pumpkin pie,"

"Oh, cool. Um, uh- "

"Smooth," Jay pulls Carlos away and Rain gives him a knowing smirk as he glares at her yet again. Lonnie appears by Jane, greeting the girls with a smile.

"I have an opening for a fitting at 3:00. Who wants it?"

"Me!" Lonnie looks down at Jane who just wasn't quick enough "Sorry,"

"I have appointments and fittings? Have I got a job?" Evie asks absently

"Probably," Mal shrugs


"Perfect," Evie then turns to Jane "I'll take you later," Evie, Mal and Lonnie walk off to the side.



"I hate to keep bugging you, but the decorating committee needs more answers. So, as much as I hate to, um... you know, um... "

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