It's Going Down

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Jay and Carlos are snoring away when the 3D printer finishes the wand.

"That is unbelievably good," Rain mutters, "And I've seen it up close," Mal smirks.

As the boys try to leave, Doug catches up with them, asking about Evie.

"She went camping,"

Quite literally everyone but Evie and Doug snort.

Next, the two are bombarded by Lonnie, and after being blackmailed, they allow her to come.

"Yes!" Lonnie cheers

Next, the viewers get a view of the docks on the Isle, and then a shot of Ben tied against a ship, Harry is getting awfully close, practically sniffing him. Ben does not seem happy.

"How's it feel being a king now eh?" No response, Ben just glares.

"Give it a rest Harry," Uma steps up on to the platform "We don't want damaged goods" she smirks, sitting down on some steps

"You said that I could hook him!"

"I said at noon!"

Harry brings out a pocket watch and hangs it at ben's eye level "Twenty more minutes," he sings, Ben looks at the watch properly

"That says eleven thirty,"

Laughs ring out through the theatre; Rain was rubbing off on him.

"You better hope your girlfriend comes through,"

"She's not my girlfriend anymore..."


"Well, she's not Uma's anymore as well -"


"Legend," Lonnie doesn't bother to mutter this time

"Leave us alone Harry," Uma instructs, and he walks off

"19 minutes to go,"


"I get that you don't deserve this," Uma laughs at Ben's words

"This? This Island is a prison because of your father! And don't pretend to look out for me, because no one's looking out for me. It's just me,"

Rain looks down guiltily, she used to look out for her

"Oh, so this isn't you mom's plan? Isn't that her necklace?"

"Ohh, really overestimated Ursula here," Evie laughs

"And underestimated Uma," Jay adds

"My mom doesn't care about me either. Well, no unless she needs someone for the night shift,"




"I don't need your pity,"

"No, you certainly don't," Ben laughs, the conversation develops, and Rain starts to get incredibly uncomfortable, scrunching up her face as Uma approaches Ben, eventually the scene switches.

Rain and the girls watch as the boys return in the limo.

"Lonnie!" Rain exclaims when the girl runs around the side of the car.

"Glad to see everyone is happy to see me," Lonnie grins

"I made them bring me!" Rain goes in for a hug.

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