First meetings

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Car rides were not something Rain Gothel was used to. And almost certainly, after a thought to be near death experience. She was not too comfortable sandwiched between Mal and Evie. Auderon. It's not what she imagined. It's darker. Rain expected sun that would blind her. But it's just a bit dull. Not Isle dull. It could never be that. The ride is a blur as everyone but Mal digs in to the sweets. Carlos and Rain enjoying the chocolate the most.

When the limo pulls in. Rain manages to compose herself. A marching band outside, all covered head to toe in Blue and Yellow greet them.

"Over the top much," Rain mutters, everything outside making her brain confused on what to focus on. Evie let out a short giggle before covering it up, her mother's earlier statement about wrinkles lingering in her mind. Mal lets her lips move ever so slightly upward. Letting Rain know she was funny just means her sass gets worse.

Everyone slowly trails out of the limo. Carlos and Jay fighting over a baby blue blanket. Rain lets out a sigh

"Boys!" she whispers to them. Hoping not to make this an even bigger scene than it is. They keep going so she shouts and snaps her fingers "Boys!" her authoritative tone makes them stop, but not before Mal continues for Rain.

"We have an audience," Rain rolls her eyes and directs her attention to said audience. The woman in the same shade of blue as the blanket steps forward.

"Leave it like you found it! And by that, I mean just leave it." she commands.

Jay throws everything he stole back and the VK's form a line. Jay, Mal, Rain, Carlos and Evie. Although that line is broken when Jay steps out.

"Hello, foxy. The name's Jay," almost everyone but Carlos rolls their eyes. The girl he was flirting with - Audrey, smiles awkwardly whilst Rain turns her attention to Sleeping Beauty's descendant's boyfriend. They exchange a few looks before Rain looks down.

"Welcome to Auradon prep. I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress..." She's cut off when a burgundy smoke engulfs them. Everyone present at the interaction feel themselves grow drowsy.


Everyone seems to awake at the same time. Looking around, Rain can see a huge T.V screen. The VK's are huddled on a lavish burgundy sofa with yellow edges. The AK's which include, Ben, Audrey, Chad, Doug, Lonnie and Jane, are sat on an equally lavish blue and yellow sofa. On several other chairs and sofas scattered around are seated, Fairy Godmother, The King and Queen, Snow white, Aurora, Cinderella, Aladdin and Jasmine and Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert.

"Which one of you did this!" Audrey points to all the VK's who look equally confused.

"Oh yeah blame us will you!" Rain rolls her eyes.

"Right, before you all kick off," A woman with shoulder length curly hair stand at the front of the room "I did this, and before you ask, I'm not going to tell you who I am.

"Why then?" Fairy Godmother pipes up.

"This is one of my 3am ideas," no one seemed to understand "like when you're lying in bed and think, oh I could do something really stupid right now. It just so happens that the impulse part of my brain took over and well..." she motions to all of them.

"Why're we here, what's actually happening?" Rain demanded. The woman made her feel funny. She looked familiar in such an unfamiliar way.

"oh, princess," the woman starts but Audrey interrupts

"She's not a princess!"

"I'll call her whatever I want little miss smarty pants," Audrey hides in Ben's side at the authoritative tone "as I was saying. You're going to watch a film, about yourselves!" everyone looked shocked.

"This is ridicules! Let us go back!" Fairy Godmother exclaims

"Listen here bibidi-bobidi, you have no say in this," The VK's had to admit. She was funny. She looked like an Isle and Auradon mix. But spoke like a true Isle of the Lost occupant. Who was she?

"I'll have you know, I have quite a lot of authority," The woman lets out a bark of laughter at Fairy Godmother's defensive comment

, it sends chills down most of the people there's spines. But to the VK's and even Ben. It sounds harmonic.

"I have more authority than any of you think, even you two," she points to Adam and Belle "PJ's anyone? This might take a while, I think there's even two sequels if we talk a lot through the movie," No one seemed to respond "It might get uncomfortable in whatever you're all wearing, anyone who completely objects raise your hand," Chad, Audrey, Fairy Godmother and King Adam all raise their hands "okay," The woman snaps her fingers and everyone but the ones with their hands up, find themselves in comfortable pyjamas that match their usual style, well more like usual colours, everything is a bit mismatch. Even the woman seems to be in some pyjamas.

"Wicked!" The shouts come from the VK's.

"Should we start?" The woman snaps her fingers again and goes to sit by the VK's in an armchair.

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