C h a p t e r T w e l v e

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Bzz bzz

You were lying on the couch with your cat watching Nexflix when you felt your phone ring.

-Maybe: Alisa

heyyyy its levs sis Alisa! i took his phone and got your number hehe


Oh hi haha

Whats up


not much but are you free this weekend??

i wanna go shopping


Ya I'm free

What time?


saturday at 12?


Ok bet

But i need a ride tho



ill pick you up!


Cool thx

See ya then :)



im so excited :)

Alisa had a suspicious smile. "What did you do?" Lev hoped his sister didn't take things too far.

"Oh nothing." she locked her phone and set it on the table then gave Lev his back.


"What? I just invited (y/n) to the mall!"

"You did what! Why!" the boy shot up from the couch.

"It's just going to be me and her so I can talk to her about you." she gave an innocent smile and turned on the tv while laying on the couch.

"I can't believe you."

"I love you too Lyovochka."

"I have to go do homework."

"No you don't Lyovochka."

"Yes I do."

"You never have homework Lyovochka."

"Well I do tonight."


"Ok fine I just wanna sleep."

"Goodnight." Lev walked up stairs and went to his room. He locked his door and sat on his bed while hugging a pillow. 'I do like her, I can't believe it' he was in shock, he never realized that his feelings were having a crush. He hated it but loved it at the same time. He wanted you but he just didn't know that was why. He laid on his back and fell asleep.

Liking someone is exhausting.

The next day there was no morning practice so you met Lev at class but he seemed stressed. "Lev?" he flinched as you put your hand on his shoulder. He was a bit red but not enough to notice.

"Oh hi! Sorry!" he forced out a laugh. 'She was right. I'm so done for'

"You good?" you sat down at your desk.

"Ya I'm fine. How are you?"

"I'm good?" you questioned what was going on but before you got the chance class began. You wanted to ask him at lunch but he ran off and you couldn't find him.

"Hey (y/n)!"

"Hi Riko!" you ran over and sat next to her then began to eat.



"How's Lev?" you shoved more food in your mouth.

"Thif if really goof!" she laughed.

"So that confirms it, you like him!!" she squealed and you swallowed.

"Ok fine, only you and Yaku know, please don't say anything to anyone."

"You have my word," she winked, "oh by the way. I am trying out for the team today."

"Yay! You're gonna do great!"

"ya , I hope. I'm a bit nervous though."

"That's normal! I'm so excited for you. Call me after!" you both smiled.

"Alright!" the bell rang and you went to class. Lev was still acting strange. 'Does it have to do with what he wanted to say last night?' you thought it would be better not to ask. For practice you had to run around and do some paperwork so you never got a chance to talk to him till the both of you walked home.

"Your sister is weird." he laughed, 'good at least he isn't mad at me'

"I know, but why do you think that?"

"Well she got my number from your phone apparently."

"She what?" 'I have to make her think I don't know about it' Lev knew.

"Ya, she wants to hang out on Saturday."

"Really? What did you say?"

"Yes. I like her, she's nice."

"Hmm. Well good luck with her. She's a handful." he joked. The both of you talked the whole way, it was nice. You enjoyed his company a lot and every moment you had with him made you like him even more.

Lost Kitten (Lev Habia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now