C h a p t e r F i v e

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*beep beep beep*

'What the hell is that' you ask yourself while your mind is still waking up. You realized it was coming from your phone that was sitting on the nightstand next to your bed. You flung your arm over and realized Lev was calling you. You felt the corners of your mouth curl up and answered the phone.

"Hey Lev" you said with a sleepy voice

'She sounds kinda attractive when she's sleepy, weird' Lev thinks to himself, "hey (y/n), did anyone tell you that we have morning practice today?" he was completely awake, 'oh he's a morning person, well nobody's perfect' you thought.

"Morning what?" everything he was saying sounded like gibberish to you.

"Practice, morning practice at 7 am." he chuckled.

"Oh shit!" you jumped out of bed and put him on speaker while setting your phone on your desk. You ran over to your closet and grabbed your gym clothes then quickly slipped them on, after you found your uniform and put them into a bag so you could change after volleyball.

"Im guessing you didn't know"

"No I didn't, if it weren't for you calling me I wouldn't even have woken up."

"Aww come on, we can't have our new manager missing her first day." you took your phone into the bathroom where you brushed your teeth and splashed some water on your face to try to wake up more.

"(y/n)? You're up early." your mom knocked on the bathroom door and you opened it. "Hi mom, sorry I have to go to practice."

"That's ok sweety, I don't have work today so I can give you a ride." your mom gave you a gentle smile.

You remembered that you were on a call so you asked Lev if he wanted a ride too, of course he said yes and your mom was ok with it. You and your mom walked to the can and you directed her to Lev's place then shot him a text, he ran outside and got into the back of the car with you. "Mom, this is Lev. Lev, this is my mom."

"Hi ma'am." Lev quickly replied and buckled up.

"Ohh kiddo you don't have to be so formal, please call me (m/n). Are you two ready to go, and tell me about yesterday dear!"

"Ya mom!" when she started driving you and Lev told her all about yesterday's chayos. She was completely understanding and was excited to see Kuroo again. When she pulled up you and Lev jumped out of the car and started walking towards the gym while turning around and waving bye to (m/n).

"Ok so, scary sister and super nice mom? Makes sense." Lev teased.

"Ya it's weird just don't think about it too much." the two of you arrived and saw Kuroo already waiting for the rest of the team.

"Hey, you two are early. Did you come together?" kuroo asked you.

While jogging over to his captain Lev responded, "ya, we realized that we live kinda close and her mom gave us a ride." you walked over to the closet and began dragging things out with the help of the boys. After about 10 minutes everyone but Kenma arrived and began warming up. You were playing with a ball by setting it to the wall over and over again when you heard Kuroo call everyone over. The team sat down and coach Nekomata explained that you guys were going to work on spiking for the day. The team all got ready to get up but the coach added that they were short a setter. At that moment you could feel a set of eyes find you and you knew what was going to happen.

Lost Kitten (Lev Habia X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now