C h a p t e r F o u r

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"Who are you!" she reached up and pinched Lev's ear. 

"My name is Lev Haiba ma'am" he sounded terrified.

"What do you want to do with my sister!" she was showing no signs of calming down, you knew you had to stop her. 

"Nothing ma'am she was just going to help me study." she let go of him and you started to walk over. 

"Study? Study! I know exactly what that means mister." 

"What?" Lev had no idea what was happening 'who is she? What does she mean?' he was completely lost. 

"Don't play dumb with me kid! I know that you are not going to get anywhere near my little sist-"

"I joined the volleyball team, I'm the manager now. Lev is telling the truth too. I was going to help him with science." you had to be a bit too loud for your liking. Your sister slowly turned around.


"Kuroo was there!" she started to walk over to you.

"Kuroo? As in from when we were kids? The dude that is the same age as me? The hot one?" you knew your sister had a huge crush on Kuroo when you were kids and apparently those feelings never went away. 

"Yes, the hot one." 

"I'm going to your next game." she walked back into the house without saying a thing.

Lev was still in shock blankly staring at you, "I'm so sorry, can you wait here for a sec please." you were still holding the kitten and had to put him down. 

"Sure." you ran into the house and handed it to your sister before running back out as fast as you could. 

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!" you grabbed Lev's hand and started running. "Where do you live?" 

"What? Why?" he still had no clue what was happening.

"We just need like an hour before going back because my sister will kill the both of us, so I need to give her some time to get attached to the kitten before risking both of our lives." Lev started laughing and began to take the lead. 

"It's this way." the two of you ran a few minutes and finally got to his house.

He unlocked the door and you both took off your shoes. "Alisa, I'm home!" he yelled upstairs. 

"Oh Lyovochka! How was your day!" his sister ran down the stairs and gave him a hug. She looked up and saw you. "Hello Lev's pretty friend!" you blushed considering that she is absolutely gorgeous. 

"Hi, I'm (f/n) (l/n) you can just call me (f/n)." she hugged you.

"I'm Alisa Haiba, Lev's older sister. Dinner is in the fridge if you two are hungry." 

"Thanks!" you and Lev said at the same time, she ran back to her room and Lev led you to the kitchen.

"How hungry are you?" he asked. 

"Oh I'm good with just water." 

"Are you sure?" he looked over at you. 

"Ya, thank you." he grabbed a plate and warmed up the leftovers in the microwave, then handed you a glass of water before sitting down to eat. 

"Ya know, I still have no idea what just happened." he chuckled and you looked down. 

"Ya, I'm really sorry, she's super protective of me sometimes, especially when it comes to boys. So as soon as she saw you she flipped and, well, you know the rest. You're just lucky that you actually have a nice sister." you looked back up and saw him staring directly into your eyes.

'She's actually even cuter than I realized' Lev didn't even realize that he was staring at you. 

"What?" you smirked at him and he looked back down at his food and ate it really fast. 

"Nofing it faf atfuly efitfing." you couldn't help but laugh at him struggling to talk with his mouth full. He swallowed and put his dishes in the sink. "Do you want to go into my room?" 

"Sure." you grinned and followed him up the stairs. He plopped onto his bed and you sat on the floor leaning against the bed frame. 

"You can come up here ya know." you stood up and he scooted over so there was enough room for you on his bed. You laid down next to him and as soon as you got comfortable your phone started ringing. 

"Oh crap," you sat up super fast, "it's my mom, I totally forgot she can see my location." Lev sat up too and you answered the call.

"Hey mom." 

"Where are you sweety?" 

"I'm at a friends house, I'm sorry I didn't call you." 

"It's ok, just don't forget to tell me next time. Also, your father and I have to stay late today, I'm so sorry, you can tell me all about your first day in the morning, ok?" Lev put his face a little closer to the phone so he could hear better. 

"Wait mom, I have to say something." 

"What is it baby?" 

"We have a cat." Lev widened his eyes because he had no idea how your mom would react. 

"What? What kind? How did you get it? How old? Is it hurt or sick? What's its name?" 

"Mom, mom, I don't know much but I'll tell you more in the morning." 

"Ok sweety, I hope we can keep it. You know how much I love cats." 

"Bye mom." 

"Bye baby." you hung up the phone and flopped back down.

Lev laid down next, "that went well." he said. 

"Ya it did." you closed your eyes and accidentally fell asleep.

"(y/n), (y/n)." you woke up to Lev gently shaking you, "it's been a little over an hour." you looked at your phone and realized that it was almost 10:30. You got up and stretched, "I'll walk you." 

You and Lev left his house and made your way over back home. Before you walked to the door you stopped and hugged him. "Thank you." he grabbed you back and you stood there for a good minute. When you opened the door you smiled one last time and waved goodbye. You closed the door while trying not to wake up your sister who was sleeping on the couch with the new kitten.

You walked to your room and fell asleep as soon as you laid down. What a crazy day.

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