C h a p t e r E l e v e n

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"Hi Alisa." he took his shoes off and set his bag down.

"Hi Lev!" he was bright red and she definitely noticed. "Are you ok?" she put her hand on his cheek.

"I think I'm sick."

"What's wrong?" they sat on the couch.

"Well my heart keeps racing and I keep getting super red. I don't know."

"How long has this been happening?"

"Ever since the party I think." she had an idea of how he felt.

"Are there any times that it seems worse than others?" she asked.

"Well, when ever (y/n) is there, am I allergic to her perfume or something?" Alisa smiled.

"No it's not that."

"Then what?"

"You have a crush."

"What no, she's my friend not more." Suddenly he had a flashback to the kitchen.

'I left her, I lost her, I broke my promise. Why is she acting like it's ok? Why couldn't I stop myself from kissing her neck. And why is she smiling?'

"What made you so happy, wernet you freaking out a few minutes ago?" 'I don't understand her'

"Ya I was." she began to blush. Before he could think his body moved on it's own. He slammed his arms around her. She was so close but he wanted more. He wanted the feeling of her in his arms, he wanted to touch her in anyway he could. 'What am I doing, why don't I want to stop' he took the rest of his control and whispered.

"That blush." 'I have to go, I won't be able to hold back if I don't'

"So the feeling that you want more is having a crush?" he asked his sister.

"Well, ya. When did you feel like that?" he blushed, he didn't want to tell her what he did. "Oh my god Lev, what did you do?" her eyes widened.

"I don't know. Just, we danced then we went to the kitchen and nobody was there so I kinda did something."

"What did you do? Did you kiss her?" he sighed.

"No," he paused, he had to tell her, "Ipinnedhertothecounterandteasedheraboutblushing."

"What." Alisa stared at him. "You did what!" she yelled.

"I don't know, I couldn't stop! My body moved on it's own! If I didn't stop myself I would have probably done more! But instead I left and sat on the couch!" At this point Lev was frantic he realized why she made him feel this way. And he realized why he desperately wanted her in every way. He was a blushing mess.

"Well did she do anything!" Alisa was going to help her brother as much as she could.

"Well when it happened she didn't move, she just looked surprised and when we danced, I don't know."

"Well how was it dancing with her?"

"Amazing" Lev realized what he said, that's how she made him feel, amazing.

"How did you dance? Like slow or something."

"Well someone bumped into her and she flew into my chest, I guess that was when I started to feel weird but I thought it was just the fact that there were a lot of people. But then I grabbed her and at first she tried to get away but someone was behind her so I brought her closer, then I just told her to relax and that I would take the lead and she did."

"Was that it? You two just danced?"

"Well no, at one point we got separated and when I found her I kinda hugged her from behind and I might have kissed her neck." nothing, there was no response, he broke Alisa.


"One moment." she rubbed the bridge of her nose before looking at Lev. "since when did you become such a flirt! Who taught you! And what did she do! Tell me more!!!" she put her hands on his shoulders and shook him.

"Ok, ok, calm down." he removed her hands and continued. "I apologised for losing her and she grabbed my neck then thanked me. So then we left the crowd and she hugged me so I told her that I was there for her and after we went to the kitchen and well you know what happened."

"Give me your phone."

"What? Why"

"Just do it." 

Oh my what is she going to do ;)My head hurts sm rn

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