Creepy Crawler

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I'm just reffering to her as Exel now.

Exel's POV

I came out the helicopter feeling significantly closer to Vision than I had when I first got in.

"Hey Vision, Exel." Tony greeted us and exited the helicopter.

"Hello." Vision said. "Um...why exactly are we in Queens?"

"Because I know a certain webby boy who can help us." He smiled mischiviously.

I rose an eyebrow as I looked between Tony and Vision. Tony still grinning, clearly very pleased with himself, walked off, whilst I and Vision trailed behind him, both of us unsure of what was happening.

"Hey um Tony?"I called. "Who exactly are we going to see?"

"Peter Parker."

"Yeh and whose that?"

"High school kid, one year above you, pretty clever, shoots webs out his hands and is extremely strong." He told me.

"Ok." I replied, then added. "Oh and do you know about like my um..."

"DNA, yes" He replied.

I bit my lip nervously. "Um well sorry..."

"For what?" A concerned look on his face.

"For well you know not telling you sooner that I'm kind of your daughterish, BUT DON'T WORRY." I assured him quickly. "I won't trouble or bother you AT ALL!"

"You have nothing to be sorry for." He smiled. "I don't mind you bothering me."

I grinned at him. "Here's a fun fact. Did you know bee's communicate by dancing. So like if they wiggle their bum, they might be telling someone to screw off."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Okay..."

"Guess that's just how bee's are." I shrugged.

"How bee's are?" Vision asked.

"HOW BEE'S ARE!" I cried with laughter.

"You know what I take it back I DO mind you bothering me." Tony sighed.

I cackled with laughter, my eyes sealed shut to stop tears from coming out. Had my eyes not been shut, I would have seen the fond look Tony and Vision both gave me.

Tony's POV

We sat ourselves down in the car, from where Happy then drove us to Peter's home.

"Hey Vision want to hear a joke." Exel asked exitedly.

I rolled my eyes jokingly, here we go again...

"Okay." Vision answered.

"Knock knock."

 Vision looked unsure of what to say.

"Now you say : Whose there?" Exel prompted.

"Who is there?"

"Interrupting cow."

I pursed my lips, already knowing what was going to happen.

Vision once again looked lost for words.

"Interrupting cow who, you now say" Exel said.

"Oh alright, interrupting c-"

"MOOOOOOOOOOO!" She yelled.

I burst out laughing as I saw the shocked expression on Vision's face.

"Why would you d-"


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