Getting to Know Her

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37-D2's POV

As the Avengers filed into the room they each held a look of pity and sadness. I shook it off desperately hoping that they didn't heard me and Steve's conversation. But i knew they had when Tony didn't make one snarky comment throughout the whole of lunch.

"Hey so um...We're thinking you could do some training with us tomorrow?" Clint asked.

My eyes lit up in excitement. "Yes please!"

Steve chuckled slightly as my eagerness.

"Yeh and don't worry." Tony smirked. "We'll take it easy on you kiddo."

I raised my eyebrows. "What makes you think you'll need to?"

"Cuz you're a weak, little girl." Tony stated as though it were obvious.

"You're a short, annoying guy." I fired back.

Steve and Clint burst out laughing and i could see Sam, Nat and some tall guy with blue eyes and brown hair suppressing smiles.

"Yeh well this short annoying guy is the person whose roof you're under." Tony stated.

"And this weak little girl is the person who escaped you all so many times." I growled.

"I mean...she's not wrong." Clint said.

The brown haired guy started laughing. "She what!"

"Oh shut it Bucky." Steve said, but he himself was trying hard not to laugh.

"Um...I have some work to do on my laptop so I should probably get going." I excused myself. "Call me when you need me."

I then ran down the corridor before questions were asked.

Steve's POV 

"Okay..." Sam began. "Did anyone else find that a little weird."

"Yeh she's definitely up to something." Nat agreed, a small smile on her face.

"Anyone care to wager suggestions...?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"Probably up to no good." Tony stated, still looking at the corridor where the girl had run off down.

"Think we knew that already." Clint grinned.

Bucky snorted. "I think i'm gonna like this girl!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "She's causes enough trouble already, don't need you contributing to it."

He nodded, but I could still see the familiar mischevious shine in his eyes.

"I'm gonna go see what she's up too." Sam said, before standing up and walking out the room.

"HEY!" Bucky yelled. "How come he gets to have all the fun!"

"YEH!" Clint agreed.

Tony rolled his eyes, as I supressed a smile at their childishness.

Sam's POV

I peered through the slightly open door of the girls bedroom. I saw her sitting cross-legged on the floor, her computer open in her lap. Her hazel eyes were narrowed in concentration, her brows furrowed in focus.

"Hey Exel what are you up too?" I asked her.

She whipped around, shutting her laptop immediantly.

"Well I'd be lying if I said that wasn't a little suspicious." I smirked

"Well I'd be lying if I said that spying on a 14 year old wasn't a little suspicious." She shot back.

I grinned.

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