Back with them

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37-D2's POV

I huffed as i was pushed back into my usual seat in the interrogation room, this time handcuffs being clamped around my wrists and a long thick rope snaking around my waist, binding me to the chair.

I could faintly hear the voices of Steve and Tony arguing with who i can only assume was Fury.
Eventually the arguing stopped leading me to believe that some sort of compromise or conclusion had been reached.

Nick had a frustrated look in his eye as he marched back into the room.

"Right girl." He said in a stern voice. "I have exactly 10 minutes with you before mum and dad." He gestured to the one way glass. "Take you with them, so you better give me some answers."

I kept a blank face on.

"NOW WHAT. IS . YOUR . NAME?" He asked me.

I shrugged.

"ANSWER ME NOW!" He slammed his fists heavily onto the table, causing me to flinch at the flashbacks i got when i would fail a test at HYDRA.

"Ah." He smirked. "So you not a fan of i say this truthfully. I am sorry for what i am about to do but i desperately need to get a name out of you."

I knitted my eyebrows together in confusion. Then suddenly he began yelling at me, thumping his fists on the table and clapping loudly in my face.

I scrunched my face together, as images of hands punching and slapping me in the face raced through my mind.

Steve's POV

"What the hell does he think he's doing!" Tony yelled angrily as he watched the scene in front of him.

I gritted my teeth as Fury continued with his antics, anger beginning to boil inside me. i wanted nothing more than to smash through the glass, grab the little girl and tell her she was safe, but i knew that Fury would take off the deal, and i couldn't have that.

The yelling and aggression went on for another 2 minutes before the girl seemingly broke down.

"37-D2!" She yelled.

Fury froze.


"37-D2." She spoke again, barely audible as her voice was strained.

Tony and i shared a glance.

I walked back into the room. "10 minutes is up."

Fury nodded, a look of confusion still plastered on his face as he walked out.

I carefully knelt in front of the distraught little girl.

"You wanna talk about it?" I asked tentatively.

She shook her head fiercely, her fists still clenched.

"Do you want to not talk about it and just follow us in silence?" Tony asked.

She nodded hesitantly, getting to her feet, and crossing her arms protectively around her chest.

37-D2's POV

Once at the Avengers tower i kept my eyes glued to my shoes, not daring to look up at the people i had run away from so many times.

All talking quieted down as the elevator doors binged open and we entered the lounge/ living room.

I snuck a glance at the room so quick that if you blinked you would have missed it.

"She's back!" Clint chuckled.

I looked to Clint, his kind eyes meeting mine as i sent him a small smile.

"Um...whose this...?" A guy i didn't know asked. He was quite tall, dark skinned and bald.

"Sam. This is the girl we were telling you about." Nat explained.

"Ah...what's your name again?" Sam questioned.

I gulped, knowing it was gonna come up. I kind of just accepted they would figure out anyway considering Fury, Steve and Tony all knew already.

"Um... 37-D2." I mumbled.

"37-D2?" Sam quirked an eyebrow. "What kind of name is that?"

I pursed my lips. He's right. I thought. What kind of name WAS that?

I parted my lips slightly, rushing through options for an answer in my head, until Steve spoke before me.

"Hey you hungry? Let's go make some lunch!" He suggested.

I nodded my head gratefully, and followed him into the kitchen.

"Want to talk about it?" Steve asked me, his eyes focusing on cutting up cucumbers.

"I guess i owe to you ." I sighed. "Well i grew up in HYDRA."

I sound of chopping ceased. I glanced up to see Steve looking at me with worry and confusion.

"Look i promise you i'm not some HYDRA spy hell bent on destroying you guys or something." I told him. "Anyways as i was saying i grew up in HYDRA. It was awful. Tests, beatings, abuse, punishment the list goes on, so one day i decided to escape, and i did. I was 8 at the time, but with all the tests and training i had been put through, i knew what my powers were and how to control them. Once i had escaped i ran, must have been days, maybe weeks on the run, but i knew i couldn't let them find me. Until i came to Manhattan, i've lived here ever since, 6 years on the streets."

Steve gave me a look full of sadness and concern.

"Nononono." I shook my head. "Don't look at me like that. Growing up on the streets wasn't all that bad. I mean i got pretty good at pick pocketing so i could get money for food."

Steve raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

"What!" I exclaimed hotly. "You don't eat for 2 weeks and i'll ask you if you'd be willing to pickpocket and i guarantee you'd say yes. Now, as i was saying i had a laptop which i mainly just used to hack people, i'd often take it apart in my free time and study its parts, i got pretty good at building and fixing things. I also went to a local gym often, it's warm in there and they have free water dispensers. Then everything changed that one night where you being the creepy stalker you are, followed me home from the gym."

The corner of Steve's lips twitched up as i finished. "Care to alaborate anymore on your time at HYDRA or on the streets?"

I shook my head. "I've already told you more than anyone in the world knows about me."

He nodded, an understanding look on his face. "Okay well i better call the others, lunch is ready."

Little did he know the others had been listening the whole time on the other side of door.

Haven't updated in a while, will try to do so more now that it's half term Xx

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