A Berlin Brawl

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Exel's POV

"Wait wha-." I began.

But the black cat who I still didn't know threw himself at Bucky, knocking him back.

"Bucky!" I exclaimed, rushing forward. "Stop!"

Before I could help him up I was flung to the side by the cat, I groaned as my back slammed in a nearby plane wheel.

Steve raced to my side immediately. "Exel?! Exel are you okay? What hurts!"

"I'm fine." I huffed sitting up. "What the hell is his problem?"

My eyes widened as I surveyed the scene in front of me. " Hey Nat watch out!" I cringed as she was roughly thrown back.

I left Steve looking after me as i raced over to Nat. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?"

"Yeh yeh fine." Nat groaned getting up.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Okay...so what exactly should I do?"

"Okay Exel, I know you don't want to hurt anyone you're close to so go fight the guy that grows really small and grows really big as well in the red suite okay?"

"You mean that shrinky dinky dude in the red suit?"

Nat chuckled. "That's the one."

"On it."

I rushed off, not hearing Steve's desperate calls of warning and objection.

"Woah hey there, look I don't wanna beat up kids okay?" Shrinky Dinky told me, putting his hands up and clicking his helmet/face mask up.

"Well what if I beat up you?" I questioned.

He shook his head chuckling. "Pleaseeee! Like you could-."

But I cut him off with a punch to the face.

"Nice!" Nat high-fived me as she ran past.

I grinned at her before turning back to Shrinky who was clutching his nose.

"Look little girl I really don't want to have to fight you, but if you keep punching me in the face..." He huffed.

I smirked at him before firing a small bolt of lightning at him. I laughed loudly as his hair gained static electricity and pointed straight up.

"Hey, you look like you've just been electrocuted!" Sam chuckled as he took in Shrinky's appearance from next to him.

"Yeh! That's because I was!" Shrinky exclaimed, still shooting me nervous looks.

"Really? Good on you Exel!" Sam praised me, giving me a pat on the back.

"We're on the same team man!" Shrinky shouted at him.

"Sorry Scott, gotta give credit where credit is due." Sam shrugged before going off to fight Peter.

I waved at him before looking back at who I now knew was Scott.

"You know you seem really chilled out for someone in the middle of a fight?" He told me, a weird look on his face.

"Yeh and you seem really beaten up for someone fighting a 'little girl'" I smirked.

"Right that's it." Scott said then clicked his mask back on and shrunk down before running at me.

"Woahhhh Shrinky Dinky just shrinked!" I exclaimed as the little guy jumped on my hand and began running up my arm.

Before I knew it I was thrown to the floor landing a couple of feet away from Tony.

"You okay kiddo?" Tony asked in a concerned voice, still keeping his blasters pointing at Wanda and Clint.

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