The Call

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This is only going to be a short chapter

Steve's POV

"Do you think i should call her?" I asked Sam, curious of how the girl was doing.

"Who? Exel?" He questioned.

"Exel?" I rose an eyebrow.

"Yeh, you know, player 37 for the Mavericks, Nick Van Exel." He explained.

To be honest i had no clue who that was but i shrugged.

"Yeah i think you should call her, i wouldn't mind speaking to her either."

I nodded, before dialling her FRIDAY room number (we all have a different telephone number for each of our rooms which FRIDAY connects to us).

It beeped a few times, before a small voice came through the other side of the phone.


"Exel?" Sam asked.

"Sam!" She yelled out happily.

Sam and I chuckled at her enthusiasm.

"How you been?" I asked.

"Stevieeee!" She exclaimed. "I've been great! I had my first traing session this morning."

"How'd it go?" Sam asked.

"Incredible!" She cried. "Apart from when Nat punched me, gotta say that hurt quite a bit."

I laughed, knowing what it felt like to be ounched by Romanoff.

"So everything is going well?" Sam questioned.

"Yeh.." She answered a little quieter. "Just miss all you guys alot and wish you were here."

"Mmmm, believe me we miss you too." I said.

"ALOT." Sam added.

"ALOT." I agreed.

I heard a soft laugh come in through the phone, and i instantly wanted to nothing more than to fly back to the her and give her a bear hug.

"What have you guys been up to?" She asked, a careful tone in her voice, indicating she already knew the jist of the situation.

"Trouble." Sam smirked.

i jabbed him with my elbow. "We've not been causing trouble."

"Really becasue from what i've heard you have." She giggled.

"....okay yeah we have."I sighed.

"You gonna be okay Exel?" Sam said.

"Yeh..." She answered, a hint of fear in her voive. She cleared her throat. "Yeah, yeah I'll be fine." She said stronger this time. "Besides i would be more worried about you guys."

"Listen we're fine if you're fine." I told her.

"Lets hope you're right..." She replied.

"Hey! I'm always right! Good morals will get you anywhere." I confirmed.

"Mmmmm...okay whatever you say Moral Compass." She sighed. "Bye Sammy! Bye Morals! I'll call you guys again soon!"

"Bye, stay safe!" We called back, before the phone hung up.

"Morals hey?" Sam commented, an evil grin on his face.

"Yeh that's not going away anytime soon..."

"Yup!" He exclaimed, popping the p.

Next chapter will be longer i promise Xx

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