The Buildings In Berlin

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Peter's POV


I jumped awake, tumbling out of my bed. I rubbed my eyes groggily to see a very excited Exel looking at me grinning.

"W-What what is it?" I mumbled.

"We. Are. In. Berlin!" She yelled.

"Yeh I know we came together." I groaned.

"C'mon get your arachnid ass out of bed!" She laughed, pulling me up.

I rolled my eyes at the comment, biting back the smile that was rising to my face. I huffed as I walked got up.

"Don't take too long!" She exclaimed, running out the hotel room. "I'll wait outside for you!"

I couldn't stop the smile coming on my face at her enthusiasm. I went to the bathroom and hurriedly brushed my teeth before pulling on some jeans, a top and a zip up hoodie. I swung the door open, to be greeted by Exel's smiling face.

"Took you bloody long enough!" She cried, grabbing my arm and pulling me down the hall.

"I was five minutes!" I exclaimed.

"YEH! That's 4 minutes and 59 seconds too long!"

I huffed jokingly. "What do you want to do anyway?"

"I want you to teach me how to jump off buildings and stuff."

I looked at her eyebrows raised. "What?!"

"Look I know spiders have bad hearing but you gotta try a bit harder." She giggled.

"Why exactly do you want me to show you how to-" I put his fingers in quote marks. "Jump of buildings and stuff."

"Cuz." She shrugged. "We're in Berlin, and I've never really been out of the country and I want to do something fun."

"Should you ask a adult first?" I asked, still a bit hesitant about this. "Why not just call Mr Stark?"

"He's probably busy." She answered. "Oooh I'll just call Steve instead."

"Wh-" I began but was cut off.

"Shhhhhh, I'm on the phoneee." She grinned.

Exel's POV

I waited patiently for Steve to pick up.



A soft chuckle came through the phone. "What is it? Is something wrong?"

"Nope just asking for permission to go jump off buildings and stuff."

"Sounds great! Make sure to jump off a really big one for me!" I laughed as Sam's voice came through the phone.

"Shhhhhh- Um...why exactly do you want to go and jump off buildings?" Came Steve's curious voice.

"Well I've never really jumped off a German building, and it looks really funn!" I begged.

"Tell me about it." Sam commented. "Jumping off American buildings has gotten a bit old hasn't it?"


"Wait why are you-" But Steve was cut off.

"Actually Sam has already kind of told me I could by saying to jump off a really big building, so I guess that's all the permission I need. Bye! Miss you guys lots!" I said before hanging up.

Peter was looking at me questioningly.

"Yup!" I grinned. "They said I could go as long as I made sure to jump off a really big building!"

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