Meeting Crasher

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🎶 I am a lost boy, from Neverland. Usually hanging out with, Peter Pan. 🎶

37-D2's POV

I was shaken awake, my body rigid and sore. I felt a throbbing in my neck, and all the events from earlier came drifting back to me.

I wearily took in my surroundings, and my eyes widened in shock as i saw i was surrounded by multiple S.H.I.E.L.D agents, everyone of them pointing a gun at me.

"Stay still!" One of them shouted at me, to be honest i wasn't really planning on going anywhere anyway.

Tony's POV

"Sorry to interrupt." JARVIS started through the speakers. "But the girl was tasered 10 minutes ago on command of Nick Fury."

We all stared wide eyed at each other.

"SHE WAS TASERED!" Steve yelled, trembling in rage.

"If Fury took her it means she's in S.H.I.E.L.D's hands now." Nat shrugged casually, but i could see she had a twinge of sadness in her eyes.

I think everyone in the room did.

37-D2's POV

It had been a week, everyday the same, strapped to a chair, being asked question after question whilst people in black suits aimed weapons at me.

And everyday i had the same answer. Silence.

I knew i was getting under his skin, with no answers and no information he was getting angrier and angrier everyday.

This anger led to yelling, and lots of it. Being completely honest, it was actually pretty funny, to watch Fury and squads of S.H.I.E.L.D agents lose their minds over a 14 year old girl.

Couldn't really blame them though, i was very annoying when i wanted to be.

At times they would anger me on purpose, part of their little tests i presume.

They would ask questions about my past, then when they knew i they hit a nerve, they would keep going until i burst.

This usually either meant that i would erupt in lighting, my eyes and hair would go green and i'd start going a bit mad, or i'd start beating the crap out of all the agents, which often meant no dinner for me that night. This I thought was beyond unfair, if you're gonna anger me on purpose, then you gotta be prepared to take the consequences!

It was late at night when i finally decided. Screw this shit i'm getting out.

And that's what i did.

I sat down in my cell, letting my arms fall to my sides and made myself look as weak as possible.

I called a guard over, saying i was really sick and needed help. Then, as they came over i pulled their head into the bars of my cell and knocked them out.

I grabbed the keys off their belt, unlocked the door before scampering off into the halls.

Wow! If i had known it was gonna be that easy i would have done it sooner!

I chuckled to myself. But the smile on my face faded as i came face to face with another 3 S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

All three had what looked like fully loaded guns, and being in the panic i was i didn't use my powers in the case of accidently killing everyone in this building.

So i ran the other way, sprinting as fast as my legs could carry me. Now i'm a fast runner, so i was ahead of them by good 5-10 metres, that was before i wasn't looking and ended up barrelling through a door.

I heard voices immediately quiet as i tumbled into the room.

I looked up to none other than the Avengers.

"Huh." I commented. "Long time no see!"

I saw a couple of faces around the conference table light up with amusement.

I almost smiled too, until i heard fast heavy footsteps coming in behind me.

The doors swung open once more, revealing the flushed faces of the guards.

The avengers sat there in shock, unsure of what was going on.

Before i could react i felt a sharp pain in my back as i was shoved viciously against a wall by a guard, i saw him raise a taser in his hand.

I screamed as they plunged it into my neck, then fell silent as i lost my conscious.

Steve's POV

We were all sat glumly around a table, the news of the Government wanting control over us after all the damage we had made causing a dull mood to be cast across the conference room.

Suddenly the doors to the room were slammed open, revealing the flustered face of the girl, whom we STILL don't know the name of.

"Huh." She spoke. "Long time no see."

This made a few of us chuckled, and i felt the corners of my lips twitch up in a smile.

Then a group of guards came in. All of us froze in our seats, utter confusion spread on each and every one of our faces.

Before we knew it a guard had slammed her into a wall, she struggled in vain as he placed a firm arm across her chest, and raised a taser to her neck before stabbing it into her.

She let out a gut-wrenching scream. At this everyone was on their feet, I pulled the guard holding her off, throwing him to the side.

Thor held the two firmly, and i could see Tony questioning the last one.

It's funny how protective we have already become over this girl, despite blinding nothing about her and only being with her for 2 days.

"He says they need to take her back to Fury." Tony sighs.

"Oh c'mon!" Clint exclaims in an exasperated voice. "We can't give her back! If this is how they treat her, tasering her left and right, there is NO WAY we can let her go back!"

I couldn't help but agree with him, and i knew that everyone else felt the same, even if they didn't show it.

Then Fury came in. "Avengers." he nodded in acknowledgement. "We'll be taking it from here." He grabbed the knocked out body of the girl and left, just like that, before anyone could say anything.

You Don't Know MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora