The Second Encounter

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🎶 i'm not surprised, not everything lasts. i've broken my heart so many times i've stopped keeping track 🎶

37-D2's POV

"Look kid-."

But i cut him off. "Nope not doing that. Not calling me kid."

"Um..okay.." He stutters, clearly a little out of his depth. "I just wanted to make sure you got home safe."

"I am home safe. You can go now." I replied bluntly.

He raises as eyebrow. "This..." he comments gesturing around. "Doesn't look safe."

"Well it's been 6 years and i'm still alive so LEAVE." I said again, more firmly this time.

He looked at me sadly before turning away.

I breathed a sigh of relief as i ran off into the night, finding a place to settle down to sleep.

Steve's POV

6 years! 6 whole years!

I shook my head in disbelief. How the hell is she still alive!

I trudged back to the Avengers Tower, my eyelids heavy with sleep. I made a mental note to myself to try and bring the poor girl some breakfast tomorrow.

When i walked through the doors and into the kitchen i rounded a corner to see Tony, Bruce, Nat and Clint crowded round a TV.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked curious.

Tony shrugged, "Out?"

I walked over so i was standing by everyone else.

'Hey Tony! My best buddy!'

"I'm sorry what's happening...?" I ask, confusion clearly written all over my face.

"It's this hacker." Tony answered.

"A hacker!" I raised an eyebrow. I'm gonna be honest...i was a little impressed, it's not everyday that someone is able to get past Starks insanely complicated security system.

"Yup" Stark replied. Popping the p.

"Pretty impressive don't you think?" I inquired.

"Mmmm." Tony hummed back, clearly not paying much attention...either that or just not wanting to acknowledge the fact he had been outsmarted.

'Your kidding! PRETTY impressive! I literally hacking Starkies computer system in like...20 minutes!'

"Wait did she hear us..." Clint questioned.

'Security camera's genius....'

Tony chuckled...but then froze.

"Wait how hell are you hearing us...these security cameras only record viewing not noise?" The billionaire asked.

'I have my ways...Anyways, I've got things to do and people to run from so...toodles ;)'

Clint chuckled. "I like them!"

Tony rolled his eyes before heading downstairs, no doubt to carry on playing around with his robotic toys.

Everyone soon dispersed as well. Desperate to clear my head i decided to go for a walk.

37-D2's POV

I closed my laptop carefully, tucking it away into my back pack before wondering off in search of any spare cash or coins on the floor.

I wasn't properly looking where i was going until i was suddenly grabbed harshly by the wrists.

I glanced up to see the ugly twisted smile of my captor.

"Well looky here." He hissed.

"Mmmm..." His companion continued. "What's a pretty little kid like you doing out so late?"

At that word something snapped. Kid. I swore to myself the day i left HYDRA that NO ONE and i meant absolutely NO ONE. Would call me kid again.
NO ONE would treat me like a kid, treat me as some pathetic child that couldn't do anything on her own.

I felt his grubby hand trace my jawline, my face so close to mine i could practically taste the smell of his rancid breath.

"You should try using a toothbrush every once in a while...ever heard of it?"

His eyes hardened and i suddenly felt a sharp stinging on my left cheek as he slapped me hard across the face.

"Oh you don't know when to shut your mouth do you kid?"

Right that's it! With as much force as i could muster i curled my hand into a fist before swinging it hard and fast into the guys nose.

He stumbled backwards, clearly not expecting a teenage girl to have such a strong punch.

His friend next came running up to me, his hands in fists and his eyes full of determination.

Before he could take another step forward i felt a familiar tingling in my finger tips.

I held my hands in front of my face as he was about to punch me...

But the pain didn't come. Instead a bolt of lightning sprang from my finger tips and pushed the guy a got 20 feet away from me.

I grabbed my bag as quick as possible and dashed out from around the corner.

I was in so much of a hurry that i ran straight into someone.

I gasped in shock as i hit the floor hard.

"Hey kid are you okay?" A concerned voice asked me.

I looked up to see the worried expression of Captain America.

"Don't. Call. Me. KID!" i yelled before completely losing control of my lightning powers.

Steve's POV

Okay?! What the actually flipping hell!

I thought to myself as i was thrown back 50 feet. Thank God i was in my suit, i don't really know why i was, always thought it was better to be safe than sorry.

I looked towards the young girl, her once hazel brown green eyes were now an electric blue.

It was of striking resemblance to Thor...

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