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Lexi's POV

It's two days into Christmas Break, and I'm already getting sick of it. My sister and mom have been really on edge lately, after the abortion.

My mom is giving Cassie another one of her lectures about how teen pregnancy affects your life.

"Mom! You were a teen mom!" Cassie shouts in defense.

My mom looks a little defeated. I'm sitting on the couch, trying to watch TV.

"And I learned my lesson. I don't want you to ruin your life."

"Did having us ruin your life??" Cassie yells, gesturing between the two of us.

"Cassie, you know that's not what I meant," says my mom as she takes another sip of wine.

Cassie huffs and crosses her arms and looks at me. I just look at her and shrug.

"I'm not mad, I understand that we all make mistakes. I just want you to think about your future," my mom sits down at the dining room table and crosses her legs.

"Did you think I meant for that to happen?! I didn't want to get pregnant!" Cassie starts to tear up.

"I know, and I'm so sorry you did," she stretches out her arms.

Cassie runs to her and sits on her lap like she did when she was little, and hugs her.

"I'm sorry," sobs Cassie.

My mom looks over her shoulder and looks at me. I smile at her, and she gives a weak smile back.

Her and Cassie have a love-hate relationship. My mom is more realistic and Cassie is sensitive. At times they clash, but sometimes they comfort each other. Me on the other hand, I don't know what my personality is. I feel like I'm not even a person yet.

Later that night, us three had a girls' night. We watched cheesy romance movies and painted each other's nails. We only have times like these every now and then.

Cassie and I went to bed around midnight. I was about to fall asleep when I heard Cassie's voice from across the room.

"Do you think I'm a slut?" she asks.

That was unexpected.

"No... why?" I ask curiously, still looking at the ceiling.

"I feel like a slut; like I'm constantly being judged by other people" she sighs.

"You're not Cassie. We all have our issues and we all feel judged. That's normal."

"You don't have any issues. You don't have ANY imperfections!" Cassie says raising her voice.

What the hell is wrong with her?

"Of course I do!"

"No you don't! I wish my life was like yours! I wish mom loved me like she loves you! And I wish I didn't fucking get pregnant!"

I could hear Cassie start to cry. I know she's going through a lot, I know she's emotional, but why the fuck does she have to take it out on me?

I stand up and walk over to Cassie's bed and sit down and hug her.

She cried in my arms for a while until we both fell asleep.

The next morning Cassie and I drove to school together. I don't know what last night was about.

I was looking forward to seeing Rue in first hour.

Rue and I sat on the floor together while our teacher talked about showing emotions on stage.

Neither of us were paying attention. Instead, we were taking turns playing tic tac toe in my notebook. She giggles when she wins. She's in a good mood today.

I look down and I watch Rue write do you want to do something after school?

I write like what?

Rue thinks for a second then writes the playground by the mall?

I giggle a little. Rue makes that face that she always makes when she's embarrassed.

Sure  I write and add a little smiley face.

I look up and smile at Rue. She's so fucking adorable.

After first period was over, I walk to English.

On the way, I stopped at a water fountain and bent down to take a sip.

All of a sudden, I felt someone grab my ass. I jump and turned around. I see Daniel walk down the hall and turn around to give me one of his creepy smirks.

Oh my god. What is wrong with this guy?! I know him and my sister fucked, is he trying to get me now?

I rush to English and tell Kat about it.

"Wait... Dan-Daniel??" she asks like she's hiding something.

"Yeah Daniel, the biggest douche in our school."

Ya'll got to give me ideas 😭!! I'll keep going with this if ya'll give me some 🤩

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